How a Healthy Diet Can Prevent Premature Birth

Pregnant woman wearing black pants

Pregnant woman wearing black pants

Photo by Michalina on Unsplash

For some women, premature birth is something that happens no matter how they treat their bodies during pregnancy. Some reasons for premature birth are unknown, though it’s important to take the risk of premature birth seriously.

Pregnant women can work to avoid dangerous choices that can harm their baby, or they can speak with their doctor about any factors that may put them at higher risk for having a premature birth.

One thing that is important in preventing premature birth is a healthy diet. Eating healthy provides a woman’s body and her baby with the best nutrients to promote health and wellness.

In fact, there are some foods that are shown to help preventing premature birth. By combining exercise with a healthy diet, a woman can increase her chances of her pregnancy reaching full term.

Premature Birth Risks

A preterm birth is one that occurs before 37 weeks. A baby is still developing its ability to suck and swallow up until 39 weeks in utero, along with the development of their brain, lungs, liver, ears, and eyes. Because a baby hasn’t finished its development, being born too early can cause a host of medical issues including cerebral palsy, breathing issues, intellectual impairments, etc.

Though many premature babies can go on to live healthy lives, others are severely affected by their early birth. Low birth weight is not the only side effect of a baby born too early. In the worst cases, a baby won’t live through their premature birth. It’s important to take the risks seriously.

Knowing if You’re At-Risk for Premature Birth

Knowing if you are at-risk for having a premature baby can help expectant mothers make better decisions to lower their risk. Some factors that can increase a woman’s likelihood of having a premature baby include:

  • Having a premature baby in the past
  • Being pregnant with multiple babies
  • Having health issues with their uterus or cervix
  • Being overweight or underweight
  • Having a family history of premature births
  • Getting pregnant again shortly after having another baby
  • Being younger than 17 or older than 35

Avoiding Dangerous Choices

One way to avoid the dangers of preterm birth is to avoid any dangerous choices and lifestyle factors. Drug and alcohol use while pregnant is extremely dangerous for pregnant women and their babies and can lead to premature birth.

The opioid crisis and alcohol abuse has affected large populations across the U.S., and many social workers are dedicated to helping those affected. Addiction is an issue that plagues people in every demographic — including pregnant women.

There are a host of other risk behaviors. Some other dangerous choices include smoking, not visiting a doctor during pregnancy, eating unhealthy foods, or continuing to take prescription medications without consulting a doctor.

Why Healthy Eating Is Important

A healthy diet can help prevent premature birth because it can help a pregnant mother maintain a healthy weight throughout her pregnancy. Being underweight or overweight can be a risk factor in preterm birth, so it’s important that expectant mothers make conscious decisions about her diet during her pregnancy.

Diabetes and high blood pressure can be caused by an unhealthy diet, which are also risk factors associated with preterm labor.

Pregnant women who eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and who drink plenty of water have a significantly reduced risk of preterm delivery.

The Foods That Can Help (and Harm)

Not only is a healthy diet important in preventing preterm birth, there are some foods that can be especially helpful for a woman during her pregnancy and to help prevent preterm birth. Some of the top pregnancy foods to eat include:

  • Organic produce
  • Nuts
  • Legumes
  • Dairy
  • Salmon

These are excellent additions to any diet, but are particularly relevant for expectant mothers. There are also many fruits and veggies packed with valuable vitamins that are helpful during pregnancy.

On the other hand, some foods can increase your risk for a premature birth. Foods to absolutely avoid include:

  • Fish prone to high levels of mercury
  • Unpasteurized dairy or juice
  • Raw or undercooked meat

These foods should be strictly limited, and avoided entirely if possible. These goods can affect your unborn child with dangerous infections or parasites, resulting in an early pregnancy or many other harmful outcomes.

Implementing Exercise

Exercise can also be the added push to help a woman’s chances of avoiding premature birth, though a healthy diet should be primary. Being active at least once a day can help a woman maintain a healthy weight during her pregnancy.

Not only that, exercise can also decrease the chances of developing varicose veins that can affect women during pregnancy. Exercise is also a stress reliever and a tool in self-care, which can help since stress can also increase the risk of premature birth.

A woman should always consult her doctor about the exercises that are safe for her and her baby, but many low-impact exercises can be helpful. There are various at-home exercises like vertical push-ups, shoulder circles, or waist twists. Other options include walks around the neighborhood, swimming, or yoga.

Premature birth is a scary scenario, but many women are at-risk for delivering their baby too early, so it’s important to take these risks seriously. Though there is sometimes nothing a woman can do about a spontaneous premature delivery, there are some measures women can take to help reduce their chances of having their baby prematurely.

By avoiding substance abuse, eating well, and exercising, the chances of preterm labor decreases. Not only that, it can help to reduce stress and leave a woman feeling better while she prepares to deliver her baby.

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About Frankie Wallace 75 Articles
Frankie Wallace writes for a variety of blogs on several different topics, from education to environmentalism. Wallace is a recent graduate from the University of Montana and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.

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