Can a Healthy Lifestyle Save You Money?


When you ask people why they don’t adopt a healthier lifestyle, many say they don’t have the money. If you mistakenly believe self-care means having a bankroll, think again! Tending to your physical and mental well-being gives you an economic boost down the road.

Health care costs continue to rise, and unhealthy habits cost a pretty penny. Here are seven reasons why you should prioritize taking care of you — and save a fortune doing it.

1. You’ll Dine on the Cheap

Do you think healthy meals cost more? They might if you dine out night after night. However, if you shop wisely, you can make your money go further by prepping meals at home.

If you want to save a small fortune on produce, save the seeds from your fruits and veggies and learn how to plant them in your garden. Once you become proficient at growing seeds from sprouts, you can trade with your neighbors to increase your variety.

2. You’ll Call in Sick Less Often

Today’s generations face more significant financial stress than their parents did. Wage stagnation, coupled with inflation, has left 39 million Americans unable to afford a vacation this year. If you’re an hourly employee, taking a single sick day can leave you short on rent.

However, if you eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, you’ll boost your immune system. This resistance makes it easier to avoid catching the latest bug going around the office. If you don’t get paid leave, this means more money in your pocket.

3. You’ll Spend Less on Medicine

Prescription costs continue to soar. Between 2008-2016, the cost of oral scrips rose by 9%, and injectable meds rose by 15%. This increase doesn’t include the price of over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen. Researchers posit that exercise qualifies as a drug due to the physiological benefits activity gives you.

Start your day with a morning jog, or bike or walk to work. Put on music and dance around your living room. Anything that elevates your heart rate will help you ward off illness — and potentially help wean you off medications.

4. You’ll Save on Life Insurance

The best time to invest in life insurance is when you’re young and healthy. As you age, your rates will go up no matter how well you take care of yourself. That said, you can still save a fortune at any point in life.

Insurers base their premium calculations on many factors. Most policies require you to take a health exam. If you smoke or are overweight, you will pay more. Conversely, if your weight falls into a normal range and your bloodwork looks good, you’ll enjoy less expensive monthly payments.

5. You’ll Visit Alternative Practitioners Less Often

You could spend a fortune getting massages — or you could invest in a foam roller and yoga classes. The practice of yoga shares many of the same benefits as a regular rubdown. A foam roller can gently release tension from your back without paying a professional fee.

Of course, feel free to treat yourself to a spa day. However, by practicing self-care, such trips will become occasional indulgences. You won’t double over in agony if you can’t afford a session.

6. You’ll Have Better Teeth

Nine out of 10 people suffer from cavities at some point in their life. If you lack dental coverage, a trip to the hygienist can set you back. However, if you eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, you can get a better smile naturally.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli act as natural toothbrushes, scrubbing bacteria from the surfaces of teeth. They provide essential nutrients for oral health, such as calcium and vitamin K. When you combine a healthy diet with daily brushing and flossing, you can have sparkling pearlies for life.

7. You’ll Improve Your Mental Health

Nearly 20% of Americans had a mental illness in 2018. When your body is unhealthy, your mental outlook suffers. Many people with emotional disorders have underlying nutrient deficiencies. Low magnesium levels can lead to depression and lack of focus, for example.

Quitting smoking increases your blood flow. This circulation delivers oxygen and nutrients to your brain, helping it to heal. It takes time to reset your neurotransmitters, but the government offers free quitting resources to get you over the hurdle. You can save thousands each year by kicking the butts — treat yourself to a nice vacation.

Eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables ensures you get all the essential nutrients you need. It also helps you control your weight. While you may not feel like working out if you’re feeling down, once you get moving, the endorphin rush will elevate your mood.

Living Healthy Saves You a Bundle

Self-care isn’t only for the privileged few! By eating right and exercising, you can actually save a small fortune in lost productivity and health care costs.

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About Kate Harveston 29 Articles
Kate Harveston is a health and wellness journalist from Pennsylvania. She is also passionate about learning about frugal living and educating others. You can check out more of her work at her women’s health blog, So Well, So Woman.

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