Why Donating to Charity Positively Impacts Your Health


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Giving feels good. It’s a simple concept. Think about the last time you did something nice for someone or gave to a cause you found important. Chances are, you felt good about yourself knowing you were doing something helpful or even making a small difference. 

There’s a reason you feel so good after doing something good. Some research has suggested that giving to charity can be a mood-booster. It states that giving back connects with the area of the brain that allows you to feel pleasure. It also gives you a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. 

But, the health benefits of giving to charity go beyond just feeling good for a few minutes. Studies have shown that you can boost both your physical and mental health by regularly giving. Once you understand a bit more about the types of charities that you can give to, what’s important to you, and even some warning signs to be aware of, you can start to donate consistently and see the benefits for yourself. 

The Health Benefits of Giving Back

So, just what are the health benefits of donating to charity? Let’s start with some of the ways it impacts your mental health. 

As stated above, giving back can give you a boost of happiness. This is sometimes known as “Helper’s High.” This kind of “high” is similar to the one people get from exercising, or falling in love. 

With consistent giving and an equally consistent improvement in your mood, you can start to develop a higher level of self-esteem and self-worth. Giving makes you realize that you’re worth something greater, too, and that you’re doing something positive for someone else. As the chemicals that cause your mood to improve increase within your brain, you can start to feel more joy and happiness. If you struggle with depression, giving to a charity of your choice is a great way to combat it. 

Donating to charity has physical benefits, too, and has even been linked to living a longer life. It can lower your stress levels, which in turn can help to lower your blood pressure. When you see the positive impact you’re making on a charity or organization that means a lot to you, things that stress you out can start to feel smaller and less overwhelming. Giving back is relaxing and satisfying. If you have high blood pressure or deal with a lot of tension, donating to charity can be a great, natural way to find some peace amidst the chaos. 

Choosing the Right Charity

There are over 1.5 million registered charities in the U.S., all with their own unique causes and needs. It’s normal for people to gravitate toward charities that do something near to their hearts. If you’re an animal lover, you might donate to a shelter. If your heart goes out to children with severe illnesses, you might donate to a medical research foundation. It’s great to give back to an organization that means something to you and it’s the easiest way to choose the right charity. But, there are a few things to keep in mind before you start writing the checks. 

First, do your research. If you’re interested in a particular charity, learn more about what they’ll do with the money you donate. Do they have a good reputation? Most organized charities are happy to share this kind of information on their website, so you can stay well-informed about the kind of work they do. 

You can also choose to support a charity that was started or is managed by someone you trust and believe in. It’s not uncommon for celebrities to start their own foundations based on causes that are important to them. Leonardo DiCaprio’s foundation focuses on a wide variety of global initiatives. Matt Damon’s charity provides clean drinking water to the people of Africa. 

Business owners and powerful CEOs also start their own charities or host events to make a difference. A founding member of Priceline, Jord Foster, helped to found Tickets for Charity in 2007, which gives different corporations the chance to donate tickets for resale. A portion of the proceeds from those tickets goes back to over 100 different charities across the country. 

Unfortunately, there are also some risks you should be aware of when choosing the right charity. It’s a shame, but there are some organizations out there who might look good on the surface, but are actually scams. You can avoid charity fraud by once again doing your research and making sure the charity is registered with the IRS. 

Other Ways to Make a Difference

Donating to the charity of your choice is great. Whether you choose to help a specific group of people, animals, or the planet in general, you can see that there are many benefits to being generous. 

But, if consistent donating isn’t an option for you, don’t worry. You don’t necessarily have to open up your wallet in order to make a difference. In fact, getting directly involved with a cause of your choice can trigger the same chemical responses in the brain. You’ll feel good knowing you’re helping a group in need. 

So, what can you do to make a difference? The opportunities are endless! If you’re looking for a way to get involved, try some of these options: 

  • Volunteer at your local homeless shelter.
  • Donate nonperishable items to your local food pantry.
  • Donate plasma (it can save lives!).
  • Walk dogs at a local pet shelter.
  • Sign up to clean your local roads/highways.

The best thing you can do, whether you want to donate money toward a cause or get your hands dirty and help out, is to find something that’s close to your heart. When you know you’re making a difference toward a cause that means something to you, the emotional, mental, and physical benefits will be that much greater. 

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About Frankie Wallace 75 Articles
Frankie Wallace writes for a variety of blogs on several different topics, from education to environmentalism. Wallace is a recent graduate from the University of Montana and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.

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