What You Need to Know About IV Therapy

IV therapy has been taking the wellness community by storm, as treatments promise to relieve a variety of symptoms from jet lag to morning sickness to hangovers. Companies across the nation have created sustainable business models to make it affordable to the average consumer. You can now get boosts of beneficial nutrients, vitamins and minerals without a trip to the hospital.

How does IV therapy work, and are the benefits right for you?

What Is IV Therapy?

Intravenous therapy (IV) is a method for delivering fluids, vitamins, nutrients and medications directly into the bloodstream. The type of solution administered is based on the patient’s needs. This technique bypasses the body’s digestive system, which allows the treatment to be quick and effective.

The digestive system typically metabolizes supplements and reduces what enters the bloodstream, but an IV drip delivers nutrients straight to the source. As a result, there’s minimal waste, and the solution offers the maximum impact.

How Does It Work?

A nurse or health professional will insert a catheter into your vein. You’ll feel a pinch as a needle goes into your skin to provide an opening for the catheter. Tubing connects the IV catheter to the bag of fluids that are being administered.

On average, an IV treatment in your home lasts 45 minutes to an hour because the therapy drips at a controlled rate. Depending on the solution type, your treatment could be faster or slower. You can read a book, look at your phone or watch a movie during the treatment — the key is to remain still so the catheter stays in place.

What Are the Benefits?

There are numerous benefits to IV therapy below are seven of the most common.

1. Provides Convenience

Many businesses offer IV therapy treatments at a fraction of the hospital price. You can go to safe and sanitary locations and skip the wait by booking appointments. In fact, some professionals will administer the treatment in your home, which provides the ultimate convenience for you.

The fluid is administered directly into the bloodstream, which means you receive the nutrients right away. An IV drip is a convenient alternative when compared to taking traditional pain-relievers or waiting out your symptoms.

2. Promotes Health and Wellness

In general, the infusion of fluids and supplements can help boost the immune system and promote wellness. Your body will experience a balance of vitamins and minerals, which will increase your energy levels while decreasing feelings of fatigue, depression and anxiety.

It can also improve mental clarity and cognitive function while reducing migraine symptoms.

3. Boosts Athletic Performance

IV therapy may appeal to athletes because it can immediately hydrate and replenish the body of any nutrients lost during the workout process. A patient can choose a drip therapy centered on recovery. The solution will provide essential nutrients that can promote healing and muscle and tissue maintenance.

4. Assists in Migraine Alleviation

Migraines can be debilitating and reduce your standard of living. IV drip therapy can mitigate migraine symptoms by reducing inflammation using vitamins and medication delivered directly to your bloodstream.

The treatment can also provide relief by reducing nausea.

5. Relieves Hangovers

A hangover is a common side effect of overdrinking. Alcohol is a diuretic that leads to dehydration. It’s also common for people to sweat while drinking, which causes the body to lose more fluid. Typical hangover solutions might involve drinking lots of water,  taking medicine and vitamins, and sometimes eating greasy food. These are some of the quick fixes people use, hoping it will cure their hangover — often with uninspiring results.

With IV therapy fluids, substantial doses of anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medications go directly into the bloodstream, quickly reducing symptoms. Additionally, fluids, electrolytes and vitamins rehydrate the body and boost energy levels.

6. Accentuates Beauty

When your body ages or lacks essential nutrients, the effects are visible in your hair, skin and nails. With IV therapy, you can choose a formula that rejuvenates your appearance from the inside out. The treatment uses antioxidants to target free radicals that contribute to tissue damage.

The solution also contains vital vitamins and minerals that slow the aging process and strengthen hair, nails and skin. You may experience an improved complexion, as the process can mend UV damage. Additionally, many patients believe it reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

7. Aids in Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a disease that can negatively impact all areas of your life. Recovery is challenging, but IV therapy can offer potential assistance. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme naturally produced by the body. NAD IV therapy can reduce symptoms of withdrawal while detoxifying your body and restoring cognitive and metabolic functions.

Patients should use this treatment in collaboration with an addiction recovery program. NAV IV therapy is useful in aiding recovery, but it will not cure addiction.

Boost Your Health With One Quick Prick

All it takes is one quick prick of a needle before you could receive numerous health benefits. While it may seem extreme, IV therapy provides an affordable and hassle-free alternative to multiple health conditions that plague Americans. Evaluate the benefits before deciding if IV therapy is right for you.

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About Mia Barnes 4 Articles
Mia Barnes is a health and wellness journalist interested in nutrition, fitness, and healthy living. She is also the Editor in Chief at Body + Mind.

1 Comment

  1. Wow, it’s interesting to know that intravenous vitamin therapy can also help in overcoming addiction. One of my close friend is currently getting counseling because he has been abusing the use of painkillers in the past year. Perhaps it would be best to try other methods that will help him have a high chance of not relapsing in the future.

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