Use Neem to Treat Vaginal Infections and More

Vaginal InfectionsIf you’re never heard of the medicinal uses of neem, you’re about to discover an ancient healing remedy that treats vaginal infections, eczema, and more. Neem medicinal uses also include anti-aging as neem oil is one of India’s best-kept beauty secrets!

What is Neem?

Neem is an evergreen tree native to India, Southeast Asia, and part of Africa. The leaves, bark, fruits, seeds, and oils can all be used medicinally to treat a wide variety of health conditions.

How to Use Neem to Treat Vaginal Infections

Chronic candida infection and bacterial vaginosis are the two most common types of vaginal infections. Neem is a powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal and has been used successfully to treat both of these conditions.

Neem can be used two different ways to treat chronic vaginal infections. Neem tea or capsules can be taken orally to eradicate fungal or viral infections while neem oil can be used internally to combat itch and discharge.

It is very important to note that while using neem to never take the oil internally unless it is designed for this use. Neem tea and capsules are made to be taken internally however, most neem oils are meant for only topical use.

Neem has been proven to be more effective than over-the-counter vaginal creams because it cures the infection from the inside out while balancing the immune system.

While treating chronic vaginal infections with neem, cut all processed foods from your diet. Refined grains and sugars feed yeast and depress the immune system, making chronic infections almost impossible to cure.

More Health Benefits of Neem

  1. Relieves Dry Skin

If over-the-counter lotions and creams have done nothing to alleviate your dry skin, it’s because many of these commercial creams contain chemicals that actually dry out your skin and make the problem worse!

Neem oil relieves dry skin by replenishing natural skin oil, boosting skin’s natural moisture retention, and increasing collagen production. It also combats bacterial and fungal infections and boosts your skin’s natural immunity!

  1. Eases Eczema Discomfort

Neem contains an ingredient called sodium nimbinate, which has been shown to provide significant relieve of eczema, psoriasis, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Used topically, neem oil improves skin’s moisture retention while combating chronic viral skin infection.

  1. Treats Acne

Acne-prone skin can get some much-needed relief from neem oil. Neem’s natural antibacterial and antiviral properties make it a go-to choice for successful acne treatment. Bathing with neem soap is an effective way to relieve chronic body acne.

  1. Gets Rid of Head Lice

Neem oil contains hormones that prevent lice from feeding and louse eggs from hatching. To get rid of head lice using neem, mix 4 parts neem oil with 1 part tea tree oil, and 2 teaspoons of olive oil. Massage oil completely into hair and scalp. Leave on for one hour. Rinse thoroughly and shampoo. Using a nit comb, part the hair in small sections, and comb the eggs out of the hair. Wait two days before washing the hair again. Put neem oil into your shampoo and use each day as a preventative.


  1. Prevents Periodontal Disease

According to a study published by the Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, neem mouth rinse was effective at clearing gingivitis and reducing plaque. Neem’s powerful antimicrobial and anti-viral properties help fight the inflammation, bad breath, and mouth pain associated with periodontal disease.

  1. Balances the Immune System

Neem boosts the immune system by slowing the growth of disease-causing organisms and increasing the production of white blood cells. Neem can be safely used by those with hyperactive immune systems and allergies as it will not over-stimulate the immune system.

  1. Improves Circulation

If you have chronic cold hands and feet, you may have poor blood circulation. Neem tea or capsules cause your blood vessels to dilate, allowing for increased blood circulation to the extremities.

  1. Erases Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Forget those expensive hundred-dollar anti-aging creams. Try neem oil first! Neem oil fights the free radicals that cause premature aging while boosting collagen production and reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Neem oil has been a beauty secret among Indian women for thousands of years!

Neem Contraindications

Pregnant or nursing women should avoid using neem and other natural remedies without first consulting their physician. If you are trying to conceive, do not use neem as it acts as a natural contraceptive. Rashes, swelling, liver, and kidney damage are rare side effects seem with excessive doses of neem. Children under the age of 12 should not use neem unless directed by their healthcare provider. If you are taking any prescription medication, talk with your pharmacist or doctor first before using neem.

The medicinal uses of neem are many. If you’ve been suffering from chronic vaginal infections or other immune problems, neem tea and capsules can help balance your immune system and destroy chronic bacteria and viruses. Neem oil is highly effective in treating all sorts of skin conditions and can easily replace your acne, skin lotion, and anti-aging creams in one inexpensive bottle. What are you waiting for? Give neem a try today!

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About Jaime Heidel 63 Articles
Jaime has a passion for natural health that developed around her discovery of her own gluten intolerance a decade ago. Since then, she's been dedicated to helping others find natural ways to heal their mystery symptoms.

1 Comment

  1. I am prone to both yeast and bacterial infections that are recurrent. Do you recommend that I take neem orally all the time to prevent these or that I just take it when I am having a problem?

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