Diet, Exercise, and Wellness Tips To Keep You Healthy As You Age

All it takes is one trip to the grocery store checkout lane to see endless racks of magazines telling you the secrets to healthy, beautiful aging. The real secret is that there isn’t a hidden formula known only to a select few. Instead, all it takes is a conscious effort to eat the right foods, keep up an exercise regiment, and avoid the bad habits that can add years to your life.

It is all about having a positive attitude to stay healthy as you age, and you can feel good about yourself and look great by following these helpful guidelines.

Activity the Right Way

No matter which aging expert you speak to, they will all tell you about the importance of exercise and how it can keep you fit and ready to take on the world regardless of your age. By getting at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week, you will have stronger muscles, stay slim and trim, and you will also have cleaner skin due to an increased blood flow that will nourish your skin cells. Exercise has also been found to improve memory loss so your mind will also stay sharp as you age.

It is important to remember that staying active and exercising doesn’t necessarily mean running marathons or hitting the weight room. You can burn plenty of calories by going up and down the stairs or by taking regular walks, but you must also remember to do these exercises correctly, and good posture is key. When you sit or move with bad posture, which can happen when you strain your neck to look at your phone during those walks, you can reduce the blood flow in your body, which can lead to nerve pain and elevated blood pressure. To avoid this, walk with your head up, your shoulders down and back, and step from heel to toe.

If you get your exercise outdoors, then sunscreen is essential. While the sun provides vitamin D, it also produces harmful ultraviolet rays that can lead to wrinkles, sagging skin, and dark spots that are often synonymous with older complexions. Sunscreen will protect you from these dangerous rays, and the moisture it provides will keep your skin elastic and smooth.

Eat the Right Foods

While fasting can help you lose weight and stay fit while you age, healthy living is more about eating the right things. Some foods are notoriously good for aging bodies, including watercress, which is saturated in healthy nutrients such as calcium and potassium, which keep your skin hydrated and clean. Another winner is the avocado, which contains many vitamins, including K, C, and A, that can block toxins and lead to glowing skin.

For some people, snacking is their Achilles heel, and even though they eat right most of the time, the occasional slipup can make them feel less than healthy. However, by snacking on the right foods, you can get your fix and feel good as you get older. Many nuts, including walnuts and almonds, contain vitamin E and healthy fatty acids, which prevent sun damage and strengthen skin cell membranes. If you like jerky, go for the turkey variety as it contains a long list of nutrients that you need for healthy aging, including potassium, fiber, and vitamin B12.

Along with the food you consume, the supplements you take can also help with a flawless aging experience. One of the best supplements you can take is curcumin, a compound in turmeric, which contains proteins that encourages your cells to duplicate at a healthy rate which can decelerate disease progression. Another great supplement is collagen, which can help reduce wrinkles.

Avoid Bad Habits

As we grow older, we also tend to grow wiser, and it is important to remember the lessons you have learned over time and avoid the bad or negative habits that are known to accelerate aging. For instance, if you smoke cigarettes, quitting now is essential. Cigarettes contain many chemicals that damage the skin and reduce elasticity. That is not to mention the fact that they are dangerous to your lungs and overall well-being. Avoid them at all costs if possible.

Some people can tend to become more negative in their thinking as they age, but staying positive can actually make you healthier. In fact, studies show that seniors with a positive outlook have a better chance of recovering from disabilities than those who feel that all is lost. On top of that, a study at Yale University also showed that many people who put a more positive spin on aging can actually live over seven years longer than their negative counterparts.

Finally, in order to stay healthy as you age, you need to get enough sleep. Many of us don’t take sleep as seriously as we should, but getting your eight hours can enhance brain health and fight off the risks of dementia. Sleep can also help your decision-making and judgment skills, which are essential for driving, playing sports, and more. Get the sleep you need, and you can live each day to its fullest.

While no one wants to get older, you can make the experience more bearable and enjoyable with healthy decisions. No matter what your age, start these habits now, and you can live a long and happy life.

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About Frankie Wallace 75 Articles
Frankie Wallace writes for a variety of blogs on several different topics, from education to environmentalism. Wallace is a recent graduate from the University of Montana and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.

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