people standing at work
Fitness on a Budget

Tips For Working Out While At Work

by Virginia Cunningham We’re constantly being reminded about the importance of staying active for our health, and how having a sedentary desk job can lead to shorter life spans. Short of quitting our day jobs to become a personal trainer or fitness instructor, what can 9-to-5 office […]

Fitness on a Budget

How Pilates can Boost your Wellbeing in 2013

by Wayne Thomas As 2013 gets well underway, many people are asking themselves what they can do to boost their health and well-being  With the majority of us juggling long working hours, and little time between getting home and putting the kids to bed for anything other […]

picture of a treadmill
Fitness on a Budget

Buying a Treadmill on a Budget!

by Fred Waters A treadmill is an excellent machine for getting back into shape and for losing weight. Their attraction is that they accommodate two of the most popular forms of exercising, walking and running. And that is why treadmills have continued to be the […]

diet woman kicking donut snacks on white
Fitness on a Budget

Why You Should NOT Diet

by Audrey Porterman Beach season is just around the corner. The cover of every fashion magazine in the checkout line is screaming at you that time is running out to lose weight and offering you miracle diets to help you shed pounds fast. Yet how […]