Five Tips for Unconventional Weight Loss

by Kylene Bogden

Weight loss strategies are all over the spectrum running from reasonable and sensible to downright dangerous and ridiculous. A shortlist may include:

  • Overly restricted calories 
  • Juice cleanses 
  • Point counting
  • Replacing a meal with a shake.
  • 20-hour fasts

The list for conventional weight-loss strategies goes on and on and on. So many of these concepts are used over and over but with a little twist each time.

However, as a functionally trained dietitian who has helped thousands of individuals lose weight, there is one thing I can tell you with great certainty. 

Weight loss is not as simple as calories in = calories out. 

But many still rely solely on this principle and I believe this to be the #1 reason why so many yo-yo dieters end up in my office with tears of frustration. 

The human body is so intelligent and intricately designed that it only makes sense that weight loss would not be as cut and dry as calories in = calories out. It would also only make sense that nutrition should always be individualized. If an expert seems to be teaching a one-size-fits-all approach, it is time to run for the hills. 

When providing weight loss recommendations, there are quite a few additional factors we must consider such as health history, environmental toxins, body composition, past trauma, gut health, family medical history, and physical activity level. Although, the most important of them all, is nutrition! 

Stay tuned as today I will be walking you through my 5 best insider tips on unconventional weight-loss strategies.

1. Avoid Barcodes

While eating whole foods is not exactly the most glamorous of recommendations, it is absolutely the golden rule and the true foundation to weight loss. 

In fact, I believe it is the one tip that sets my successful long-term weight loss clients apart from those who were not as successful. 

My suggestion? 

Aim for 80% of your diet to be foods that do not come out of a package. Why? Our body was never meant to metabolize and utilize chemicals, food dye, and an abundance of added sugar. 

Sure, your calorie intake may be low, but if your diet consists mainly of food items that could not be found in your great-grandmother’s kitchen, you will not witness the long-term results that you crave. 

2. Implement Time Restricted Eating Before Bed

Mark my words, this is usually the recommendation my clients benefit from the most.  My goal is for you to try your best to leave a 1-3 hour gap between your last bite of food and bed each night. This allows your body to completely digest your food before your body shuts down for sleep each night. 

You will notice a deeper sleep and a more calm gut. The best part? A restful night’s sleep keeps hunger hormones in check, making it easier for you to make better food choices the next day. 

3. Do Not Fear Fat

Newsflash! Fat is your friend. In fact, high-quality plant-based fat is critical for hormone production, brain function, and joint lubrication. Not to mention, inadequate fat intake will leave you starved and tired all day. 

Going forward, try to incorporate 1-2 TBSP of plant-based fat at each meal. This could mean adding a scoop of peanut butter to your oatmeal, guacamole to your omelet or using olive oil as the base of your salad dressing. 

4. Do Not Leave the House on an Empty Stomach

Whether you are off to run errands for a while or you are headed to a social gathering. Do NOT. I repeat, DO NOT leave the house on a completely empty stomach. Life is too unpredictable and as a result, this is often one of the most overlooked pitfalls on the seemingly never-ending weight loss journey.  

How to fight this you ask? Eat a small meal or snack before you head out the door. Maybe this is not new information, but the key is to make sure your mini-meal contains protein and fat. 

A snack made entirely of carbohydrates such as an apple or a handful of crackers is not going to do the trick. Instead, try pairing an apple with peanut butter, your crackers with guacamole, add a scoop of protein to a mini smoothie, or dip a chicken breast in a few tablespoons of hummus before you head out the door. This will prevent overeating, sugar cravings, and impulse purchases at your local fast food joint. Trust me, your blood sugar and gastrointestinal tract will thank you.

5. Listen to Your Body…Then Take Action

Last but not least, it’s time to really tune in to your body! 

How do you feel after you eat? If fatigue, bloating, gas, headaches, skin issues or sinus issues come to mind, it’s time to dig a little deeper.

These are all subtle signs of chronic inflammation and an even greater sign that your body is not happy with what you are consuming.

If we keep up this lifestyle of repeatedly eating foods we are sensitive to, this can raise our stress hormone known as cortisol. 

When cortisol is constantly high, weight loss can be a major uphill battle, mainly in the department of belly fat. This is because the body sees stress as stress, an inflammatory food does not appear much different than death or divorce. In these situations, I strongly recommend my clients consider a properly constructed elimination diet to remove chronic inflammation and enhance natural weight loss. 

And there we have it, your top 5 unconventional weight loss tips. At the end of the day, it’s important to understand that every bite of food codes our DNA. If we are not serving ourselves premium fuel, our body will not provide us with premium service!

Cheers and happy eating!

Author Kylene Bogden(Kylene Bogden is the Performance Dietitian for the Cleveland Cavaliers and Co-Founder of FWDfuel Sports Nutrition. As a high school and collegiate sprinter, she experienced recurrent injury and fatigue. After years of struggle, she realized processed foods and poor fueling strategies were the root of her performance issues. Kylene’s personal journey as an athlete fueled her passion for finding a more progressive approach to sports nutrition. Since then, she has helped thousands of individuals dramatically improve overall health and athletic performance by using an elimination diet meal plan and taking a whole food approach.)

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