General Health

7 Tips for Living Better with an Autoimmune Disorder

Getting diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder can leave you reeling. While treatments exist, these conditions last a lifetime. Some require regular medical monitoring. However, you can lead a normal life despite your disease. Making lifestyle changes helps you feel healthier and control flares. Here are […]

General Health

7 Smart Tips for Combating Fall Allergies

When people talk about seasonal allergies, many people think about the allergies they deal with in the spring. As plants begin to bloom during the beginning of spring, allergies can be at their worst. Many people don’t realize that allergies can also resurface at the […]

General Health

7 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Pets

If anything can bring humans together, it’s frequently the love of pets. From cats and dogs to pigs and snakes, millions of people around the world have animal companions. You may seek your pet’s affection whenever you feel down from a bad day, but do […]

General Health

7 Emerging Holistic Pain Management Techniques

Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain. If the opioid epidemic has taught us anything, it’s that traditional pain management through medication can exacerbate issues rather than heal them. Physicians and patients alike now seek alternative means for easing the ache. Fortunately, a combination of […]

Fitness on a Budget

7 Health Benefits of Trying Disc Golf

Have you ever played disc golf? If not, you’re missing on a great way to get moving, meet new people and have a wonderful time! Disc golf costs little to play and offers fun for all ages and ability levels. The rules of disc golf […]

General Health

8 Most Common Vision Problems

Your eyes are your windows to the world, as the cliché goes, but what happens when the glass grows blurry? You can’t whip out the vinegar and a rag, so visual difficulties indicate the need to make a call to your optometrist. The good news? […]