Weight Loss Benefits and 10 Other Cool Cucumber Facts

by Sean Byrne

Known to have originated in India, the cucumber is a widely cultivated member of the gourd vegetable family. Cucumbers come in a variety of sizes and shapes, ranging from slender to stout. They are generally green or dull yellow in color.

They are great with most salads that I prepare. I have even seen cucumbers being used in alcoholic cocktails.

Cucumbers also come with high nutritional value yet low calorie content. These are some of the reasons why the cucumber is in fact one of the best food type options on every weight watcher’s diet.

You see cucumbers have almost zero fat content. They are also among the few vegetables that have negative calories with just 16 calories per cup.

A negative calorie food means that it will require more calories to digest compared to the number of calories that it provides. So basically a negative calorie food type should be able to provide sustenance in the form of complex carbs, vitamins and fiber without the extra calories.

Aside from being one of the best natural foods that promote weight loss, why not consider these other amazing cucumber benefits:

1. Hydration for the Body

Did you know that eating cucumbers ensures you get enough hydration into your body because of its high water content? As mentioned before, I normally use diced cucumber in my salads I prepare for either lunch or dinner. Their texture and high water content offer a fantastic substance to my salads.

2. High in Fiber and Natural Diuretic

It is also fair to say that cucumbers are high in fiber and work as a natural diuretic. It promotes healthy urine flow, reduces the risk of kidney and bladder disease, and keeps bowel-related diseases at bay as well. This veggie is a powerhouse!

3. Great for Skin, Hair and Nail

The nutrients that are found in cucumbers include high levels of silica, which is basically a mineral that ensures proper nerve and tissue functions. This is the primary reason why cucumbers are used in a lot of skin, hair and nail care products.

4. Good Source of Magnesium and Potassium

Did you know that the cucumber seeds are loaded with magnesium and potassium, which both help to control hypertension and regulate blood pressure levels? Cucumber seeds also find great value in the treatment of gallstones and urinary tract infection due to their rich potassium content.

5. Reduces Skin Inflammation and Soothes Rashes

Have you ever come across the saying, “Cool as a cucumber”? Well… there’s actually some truth to this saying as raw cucumbers help to soothe rashes and skin burns and reduce inflammation when applied directly on the skin.

I have actually tested this myself with a skin rash I had a couple of weeks back. I applied some slices of cucumber to my rash and I almost immediately felt a cool soothing sensation.

After leaving the cucumber on my skin for about fifteen minutes, I noticed that there was little swelling and the redness of the rash had almost disappeared. So it goes to show how powerful a cucumber is when you need it for emergencies like this.

6. Reduces Puffiness of the Eyes

You have probably heard of this use for a cucumber. Cool cucumber slices relieve eye fatigue and reduce puffiness of the eyes. A perfect solution for tired eyes from a late night out on the town.

7. Relief from Heartburn, Gout and Arthritis

The nutritional components of cucumbers also help alleviate the symptoms of gout and arthritis and provide quick relief for those suffering from stomach ulcers and heartburn.

8. Eliminates Excess Uric Acid

I love to juice up in the morning. When I mix cucumber with carrots, the cucumbers are believed to be effective in controlling excess levels of uric acid.

9. Great for Dental Health

When researching the benefits of cucumbers, I was really surprised to understand that this vegetable has been found to promote ideal dental health and is particularly effective in the treatment of pyorrhea, which is basically a purulent inflammation of the gums which can lead to tooth loss.

10. Regulates Blood Sugar Levels

Regular consumption of raw cucumbers or fresh cucumber juice is said to be beneficial for those suffering from diabetes as it helps to reduce your blood sugar levels.

So there you have it. I’m sure after reading these ten health benefits, you’ll think twice about purchasing and using cucumbers to improve your health in so many ways.

 (Sean Byrne is a dedicated health foodie and fitness lover! His other interests are making new friends, traveling, writing and promoting his treadmill site. On his site, you will see reviews of sole treadmills such as the sole f80 and the sole f63. These are currently two very popular treadmills on the market right now!)

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