Stop Embarrassing Gas with Mint Tea!

Everybody gets a little gas once in the while. Whether it’s a burp or a fart, a little gas is a normal part of eating. If, however, you feel you’ve been “gifted” with two-three stomachs worth of gas, you may have a troubled digestive system. This article explains how a cup of mint tea can help. Mint tea has a wide variety of health benefits including relieving gallstones, easing headaches and healing sunburn.


Flatulence – The Unfortunate Side Effect of Having a Digestive System

Picture it: You’re sharing good food and wine with a bunch of friends. Suddenly, there’s a lull in the conversation like that moment where one track on a CD ends and the next one begins. Your stomach rumbles. Something shifts in your gut. Oh no! You let one go!

If you suffer from chronic flatulence, you’re not alone. Millions of people struggle with digestive disturbances such as heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, diarrhea and gas.

This is why Mother Nature created the attractive, fragrant and healing mint plant. And it’s why man turned it into tea! Mint tea is a great before or after dinner digestive aid. It helps promote a healthy appetite and encourages effective digestion.

For those with irritable bowel syndrome, an Italian study showed that 75% of patients who used mint on a regular basis noted their intestinal spasms, diarrhea and flatulence decreased considerably.

If you’re ever wondered why so many over-the-counter stomach remedies contain mint, now you know. It’s an all-around digestive aid that can help calm an irritated digestive system so you can dine with confidence!

Other Health Benefits of Mint Tea

Eases Gallstone Discomfort

Gallstones are often the result of poor diet, obesity and hormonal treatments in women. A cup of mint tea helps reduce inflammation and acts as a natural anti-spasmodic. It also helps increase the production of bile and relax muscles in the bile duct. This can help dissolve gallstones without the need for medication.

Eases Colic in Babies

A cup of peppermint tea can also help ease colic in infants. The active ingredient in peppermint oil is a calcium-channel blocker, which can ease intestinal distress in colicky infants. For baby’s colic, try steeping an organic cup of mint tea. Let it cool. Mix with formula or breast milk and feed to infant.

Improves Respiratory Health

For allergy and bronchitis sufferers, a hot cup of mint tea can be a lifesaver. Its strong, soothing aroma opens up blocked nasal and bronchial passages and provides cooling inflammation relief.

Soothes Insect Bites

Mint provides natural anti-itch relief for those irritating summer bug bites and stings. Steep an organic mint teabag and allow it to cool to room temperature. Place on site of sting and leave on 10-15 minutes. If you want, drink the tea!

Provides Acne Relief

For relief of acne pimples, try this sensitive-skin acne mask:

Brew a cup of mint tea and allow to cool to room temperature. In a separate cup, put in one heaping teaspoon of oatmeal. Add enough cooled mint tea to make a paste. Place mixture on face and allow to dry for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and follow with cold water to tighten pores. Gently pat dry.

Eases Tooth Pain

Mint is a natural breath freshener but did you know it can help ease tooth and gum pain, too? Brew a strong cup of organic mint tea and allow to cool to room temperature. Swish in mouth for 1-2 minutes and spit out. Do this several times, concentrating on affected areas of the mouth. You can also place a steeped mint teabag in your mouth at the affected area to fight inflammation and ease pain.

Treats Sunburn Naturally

Since mint has a natural cooling effect, it can help beat the itch and discomfort of sunburn. For all-over body relief, brew five bags of organic tea and allow to steep for twenty minutes. Draw a bath and add the steeped peppermint water to the bath. Soak.

Another alternative for natural sunburn relief is to draw a very hot bath and “steep” 5-7 teabags in it. Allow the bath to cool slightly and step into it. Soak for about 20-30 minutes. For extra relief, add oatmeal.

Soothes Headaches

Drinking a cup of mint tea can soothe headache by blocking the uptake of calcium into your cells. This provides natural pain relief. You may also massage pure peppermint oil onto the temples to relax tense muscles and relief headache pain.

The Best Peppermint Tea

When choosing peppermint or any type of tea, opt for organic. Certain processed teas contain additives and preservatives that can be unhealthy for you. Here is a list of four to get you started:

Stash Peppermint Tea

This peppermint tea is one of my personal favorites. I enjoy drinking a cup of it with one teaspoon of sugar and a splash of milk after dinner. This completely caffeine-free, Kosher, gluten-free tea is an ideal before or after meal way to relax and ease into healthy digestion.

Traditional Medicinals Peppermint Tea

This purely natural tea contains only one ingredient: Pure peppermint leaves. Enjoy a cup of peppermint tea with sugar, stevia, or milk or drink plain. It’s a refreshing way to ease digestive distress and calm the nerves.

Yogi Purely Peppermint Tea

If you’re looking for an organic peppermint tea that contains only one ingredient, look no further than Yogi Purely Peppermint tea. Its delicious fragrance and taste will help sooth jangled nerves and promote healthy digestion.

Good Earth Peppermint Tea

Another great line of organic teas comes from Good Earth. The cool, minty flavor of this refreshing tea can be enjoyed either hot or cold. For iced tea: Pour two cups of boiling water over 6 bags in a quart container. Allow to steep 8-10 minutes (or longer for a richer flavor). Add two cups of cold water and pour over ice. Delicious!

Peppermint Tea Contraindications

As with any natural remedy, there are some precautions to take when using peppermint tea. For example, people with severe gastric reflux, intestinal ulcers or Hiatal hernia are advised to contact their doctor before drinking peppermint tea. Do not apply peppermint tea directly onto the face of a child. Peppermint tea is not to be used by pregnant or nursing women.

In rare cases, allergic reaction to peppermint may occur. If you’ve never had a cup of peppermint tea before, expose yourself to it slowly. If any adverse reactions are noticed, (sneezing, itching, rash, constricted airway), discontinue use immediately.

Served hot or cold, peppermint tea is a refreshing way to heal an ailing digestive system and find relief from summer sunburns and stings. Brew a cup or two of natural peppermint tea and enjoy its cooling health benefits today!

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About Jaime Heidel 63 Articles
Jaime has a passion for natural health that developed around her discovery of her own gluten intolerance a decade ago. Since then, she's been dedicated to helping others find natural ways to heal their mystery symptoms.