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In 2018 alone, there were over 17 million cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Some of those were surgical, while some were less invasive. What that number indicates is that millions of people wanted to make some kind of cosmetic change to their face or body for some reason. Plastic surgery is a health industry that clearly isn’t showing signs of slowing down.
Some people want cosmetic procedures to look younger. Others want to cover up scars or other “defects” they might see on their skin. Some people even get plastic surgery to tighten up their stomachs or lift/reduce their breasts.
Whatever the case, it’s important to consider some of the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery before you decide whether it’s right for you. While talking to a doctor and surgeon can help to answer some of your more detailed questions, we’ll take a look at some of the more general benefits and potential drawbacks to plastic surgery here.
What Are the Benefits of Plastic Surgery?
The biggest benefit of plastic surgery is that it can help you to look the way you want to look. Maybe you have a scar on your lip from when you fell off your bike as a child. Maybe you want to shed a few pounds. Or, maybe you want to appear younger. Cosmetic surgery can help with all of those things. Thanks to advancements in technology, there are many cosmetic procedures that aren’t as invasive as they once were.
When you’re able to look the way you want, it can do wonders for your self-confidence and esteem. Plastic surgery can really help to change your life if you struggle with self-consciousness or esteem issues.
One of the biggest things to keep in mind is how natural you want to look. No one goes into a plastic surgery procedure wanting the results to look “fake.” It’s about making you look and feel your best. So, be sure to choose a doctor who can provide natural-looking results anywhere on your body. You shouldn’t have to be reminded of your surgery every day. Instead, you should be able to look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see because it looks natural, and like you.
Plastic surgery is about more than just vanity. It can really help people with lingering scars, or even those with varicose veins who are embarrassed by the way their body looks. If the idea of being vain has kept you from looking into a cosmetic procedure, push those old stereotypes away. In many cases, it has nothing to do with vanity, and more to do with people just wanting to live a normal life where they can feel confident in the way they look.
What Are the Drawbacks of Plastic Surgery?
Any surgical procedure comes with some potential risks and “cons.” For plastic surgery, one of those drawbacks comes before you even get the procedure — health insurance. The United States isn’t a country that offers free healthcare coverage. Not all cosmetic procedures are covered by standard health insurance policies. Most insurance companies only pay for what is medically necessary to your health and wellbeing. Cosmetic surgery for appearance purposes isn’t typically covered. But things like breast augmentation can be covered if the surgery provides pain relief.
Again, there is always a risk with any kind of surgery. Complications have occurred in the past and even the best surgeons can make mistakes. That’s what makes any kind of plastic surgery a very serious and personal decision.
Finally, you may not like the results. Again, this has a lot to do with what you’re looking for and what you’d like to change. You may have a specific idea in mind that isn’t what you receive once your healing process is over. It’s okay to have certain expectations when you go into a cosmetic procedure, and it’s something your surgeon should talk to you about ahead of time. But, there’s always a risk that the results won’t line up the way you expected, which may even cause more damage to your self-esteem.
Is Plastic Surgery Right for You?
There really isn’t a right or wrong answer when it comes to plastic surgery. What’s most important is that you’re comfortable with the decision you make. If you’re worried about something that can be helped with a natural skincare routine at home, or with diet and exercise, maybe plastic surgery isn’t the best option for you right now.
But if you truly want to make a change to your appearance and you don’t have another viable option, plastic surgery might be just what you need to be comfortable when you look in the mirror.
Don’t be afraid to have conversations about it with people you trust, including family members and loved ones. Talking to your doctor about your questions and concerns can also help you to make your decision.
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