String Cheese or Cottage Cheese: Which One is Healthy for Weight Loss?

Cottage cheese

by Jaime Heidel

Most people think of cheese as something they should avoid when trying to lose weight. If you’re among them, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that cheese can actually help you succeed in your weight-loss goals! Cheese is packed with protein and helps you feel full quickly so it’s the best go-to snack to keep you from raiding the vending machine between meals.

According to an Australian study, eating cheese helps lower blood pressure and helps dieters lose more weight around the mid-section. It also helps the body burn more fat when combined with resistance training.

So what’s the best cheese for weight loss? Read on to find out.

Health Benefits of Cheese

Cheese is a rich source of easily-digestible protein that is high in both calcium and phosphorus. Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth and phosphorus helps the body better absorb nutrients from food.

Cheese also contains a high amount of vitamins A, B and D. Vitamin A helps build a strong immune system and has been reported to prevent and fight cancer. Vitamin B supports and increases metabolism and help maintain healthy muscle tone. Vitamin D, “the sunshine vitamin”, stabilizes blood sugar, prevents high blood pressure and improves mental health.

String Cheese for Weight Losshealthy string cheese

Is string cheese healthy?

You bet!

String cheese is the perfect portable snack that’s packed with protein, zinc, vitamin A and B12. At just 80 calories per serving, string cheese is the ideal way to fill up on the go and avoid all those tempting fast-food signs on the road.

Cottage Cheese for Weight Loss

Can cottage cheese be eaten on a diet?


Cottage cheeseA four-ounce serving of cottage cheese contains 120 calories but only 5 grams of fat. It also contains probiotics, which help the body better digest food and naturally regulates the digestive system. Cottage cheese pairs perfectly with fiber-rich fruits such as pineapple, blueberries and peaches and is a much healthier choice than so-called diet foods.

Many diet foods are laden with preservatives, additives and empty calories your body can’t absorb. The result? Your blood sugar spikes fast and drops quickly so you end up overeating at your next meal to compensate. Cottage cheese is a better choice because your body easily absorbs all its protein and nutrients and you stay fuller longer.

Other Cheeses for Weight Loss

Feta cheese contains only 100 calories per wedge and gives your salad a protein punch. The taste is powerful so a little goes a long way.

Hard cheeses such as extra-sharp cheddar, Gorgonzola, Parmesan and Asiago are all nutrient-dense cheeses that, when eaten in moderation, can help you reach your weight-loss goals.

Another alternative is goat cheese, which is lower in fat and calories than cow’s milk cheese.

What is the Cheese Diet?

The cheese diet can be a little misleading if you don’t know what it is. You don’t just scarf down a bunch of cheese and magically lose weight. The cheese diet is a short-term weight-loss plan where you get the large majority of your protein from cheese.

On the cheese diet, you mostly eat fruits and vegetables and cheese for your protein. This diet should not be done for longer than 10 days as it is a diet that can induce quick weight-loss but does not provide enough nutrition to be used long-term.

Whether you like string cheese, cottage cheese, extra-sharp cheddar or goat cheese, it can help you lose weight.

15-20 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week and a well-rounded diet of lean meat and fish, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts can help you keep it off.

(Jaime is a professional ghostwriter and freelance writer with a passion for holistic and natural healing. Her website, aims to validate those suffering from mystery symptoms, get to the root cause of disease and illness and help people heal naturally.)

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