by Evlin Symon
Pears are juicy edible fruits that come in a more rounded shape as it elongates thus taking on a more oval shape towards its stem. They are sweet and are rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber, antioxidants, and flavanoids. These antioxidants and flavanoids add to emphasize on their nutritional value in an effort to provide health benefits. While all fruits are good for better health, the following are 7 surprising health benefits of pears.
- Weight Loss
A pear is cholesterol-free as well as fat-free making it a great food for weight loss. In an effort to lower cholesterol levels in the body, it contains vitamins B12, C and E.
In addition, it also contains minerals such as copper and potassium to assist in lowering of cholesterol levels as well.
- Boosts your immune system
Your immune system is responsible for fighting off diseases, so you remain healthy. In an effort to boost your immune system, pears contain sufficient amounts of antioxidants to combat the presence of free radicals. Vitamin C and copper minerals contribute toward boosting your immune system. To provide this health benefit, other vitamins such as (Vitamins D, B12, K, E, C, K, A, B) and minerals (Potassium, Boron and Copper) come in handy.
- Seeks to prevent and treat Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects the bones. Treating and preventing it for many individuals can be difficult. In an effort to treat and prevent osteoporosis, your body requires sufficient amounts of calcium, and it is important that the body maintains a balanced pH level.
Pears as a juicy fruit are sufficient for maintaining the necessary pH level. In response to calcium sufficiency in your body, pears contain a mineral, boron, which is responsible for boosting the retention of calcium in your body.
- Boosts digestive heath
Your digestive system needs fiber to operate smoothly thus keeping the food you digest on the go. Pears contain large amounts of fiber, therefore, allowing for sufficient movement through the colon. Just one pear a day will meet the required fiber intake you need.
In addition, it helps reduce the possible occurrence of colon polyps because of ensuring digestive health. The key feature that a pear contains non-soluble polysaccharide (NSP) fiber serves as a laxative to meet this health benefit.
- Help prevent cancer
Generally, prevention of cancer can be achieved through sufficient intake of foods with antioxidants. As noted above, this type of fruit contains large amounts of antioxidants, which are derived from the high content of vitamin C in the fruit.
You will also be protected against cancer of the colon. This is thanks to the fiber content from pear, which ensures the colon and the entire digestive system remains clean moving efficiently out of the system. This fiber binds with the toxins responsible for causing cancer. It then protects the mucous membrane ensuring that it is not exposed to the toxins.
- Controls spikes in blood sugar levels / great for diabetes
A pear will help your body absorb glucose every time you eat one. Glucose is then converted into energy so you can lead an active life. Leading an active life reflects on your well-being thus a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.
In addition to glucose consumption, this fruit comes with a low glycemic index, which is essential for diabetic persons.
- Prevents blood clotting
The vitamins in this fruit function together to improve blood flow and control clotting in the veins. It improves eye health and promotes proper heart and muscle function.
Pears also have various skin and hair benefits. It treats acne, pimples & other skin infections due to the high amounts of vitamins and minerals in it. The moisturizing properties of pears are useful for reducing the dryness of the scalp.
A pear may be a small fruit in the presence of your eye but is stands to provide several benefits. Above are 7 surprising health benefits of pears that you need to know. The best part is that you will not need any preparation methods. All you need do is wash and eat. Alternatively, you can include them in salads.
(Evlin Symon is a freelance health writer and writes for various health websites. She has published numerous articles on the topic of health, fitness and beauty. She enjoys exploring new opportunities. When she is not writing, she can usually be found reading a good book. Follow her on Facebook and Google+ for Daily Inspiration.)