7 Health Benefits of Trying Disc Golf


Have you ever played disc golf? If not, you’re missing on a great way to get moving, meet new people and have a wonderful time! Disc golf costs little to play and offers fun for all ages and ability levels.

The rules of disc golf are simple. All you’ll need are some discs, a large open space and time. As you play each weekend, you’ll delight in how your skills improve. Need more reasons to get out there? Here are seven.

1. You’ll Get Some Exercise

You can make your round of disc golf as energetic or leisurely as you like. Either way, you get a great workout walking or running between holes. While the ADA doesn’t require disc golf courses to be handicap-accessible due to the nature of the sport, many courses include separate areas or pathways for those dependent on wheelchairs. Rolling your chair up slight inclines gives you an incredible arm workout.

2. You’ll Boost Your Mood by Getting Outside

Did you know that simply heading outdoors alleviates anxiety and depression as well as medications in some cases? Plus, research indicates it doesn’t matter if you head out with a group or by yourself to reap the benefits. The social aspect of disc golf may provide additional mental health improvement by strengthening your connection with others.

Strive to get outside at least 20-30 minutes three days per week at a minimum. Even if you lack the time to play 18 holes, you can play a few rounds in a local park. Exposure to the sun helps your body produce vitamin D naturally, so you’ll reap additional benefits if you wait a few minutes before slathering on the sunscreen.

3. You’ll Improve Your Coordination

There’s more to throwing a disc than flicking your wrist. To throw a disc properly, begin with a short run of three steps, releasing the disk with your last step. Begin your run with your dominant foot. Square your shoulders at your target and throw with a smooth, liquid motion. This is a lot to remember, but practice makes perfect — plus laughing when you make a mistake is half the fun.

4. You Could Shed Some Extra Pounds

Did you know that almost 40 percent of Americans qualify as obese? Obesity carries several health risks, including increased risks of heart disease, type II diabetes and stroke. Additionally, when you’re obese, you have a harder time getting around.

Many people find hitting the gym unbearably tedious, but disc golf proves so entertaining, you’ll forget you’re taking exercise. Plus, just 20 minutes of getting outside decreases your level of cortisol, the hormone responsible for the fight-or-flight response. When you suffer chronic stress, an excess of this hormone prompts you to eat more. While this urge served as an evolutionary advantage in early humans, today it leads to adverse health outcomes. Disc golf helps you break the cycle of stress-eating and shed excess pounds.

5. You’ll Bond With Family

Do you hear cries of, “I’m bored” from the kiddos each Saturday? Why not gather the clan and head to the course for a round of disc golf? You naturally bond closer to your children when you play games together. Plus, shared activities provide the perfect opportunity for your kids to discuss the things they have on their minds with you.

6. You’ll Make New Friends in Your Community

Even if you head out to the course alone, you can team up with others who are one competitor short. Playing solo? Others may wonder what you’re doing and ask to join in the fun!

Some city parks and recreation departments offer disc golf leagues you can join. This provides the perfect way to learn the rules of the game and meet new friends at the same time.

7. You’ll Relieve Stress and Have a Blast

Did you know that 40 million Americans suffer from some form of an anxiety disorder, making it the most common mental illness in the nation? Disc golf, like any healthy outdoor exercise, helps you alleviate stress and anxiety.

Even if you don’t have an anxiety disorder, you need to relax and let off steam sometimes. Disc golf offers a healthy way to do so, and unlike playing pool or darts at the bar, you won’t feel tempted to overindulge in alcohol (although if you enjoy a brewski after a round of play, go for it — in moderation).

Disc Golf Helps You Get Healthier While Having Fun

Disc golf benefits your mental and physical well-being. With so many reasons to play, what are you waiting for? Grab your discs and head to the course today!

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About Kate Harveston 29 Articles
Kate Harveston is a health and wellness journalist from Pennsylvania. She is also passionate about learning about frugal living and educating others. You can check out more of her work at her women’s health blog, So Well, So Woman.