Fitness on a Budget

Five Tips for Unconventional Weight Loss

by Kylene Bogden Weight loss strategies are all over the spectrum running from reasonable and sensible to downright dangerous and ridiculous. A shortlist may include: Overly restricted calories  Juice cleanses  Point counting Replacing a meal with a shake. 20-hour fasts The list for conventional weight-loss […]

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Nutrition on a Budget

Do Kidney Detox Supplements Work? The Great Detox Debate

by Sharica Brookins, MD, FASN  What is Detox? Detox, short for detoxification, is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. Toxins can be ingested from an external environment, or be produced as end-products of a chemical reaction from an internal environment. Whether they […]

light in operating room
General Health

How to Maintain Your Physical and Mental Health When an Operation Goes Wrong

Facing an operation can be scary in the best of circumstances — when that operation goes “wrong,” however, the effects can be devastating. Whatever benefit you were hoping to derive from the procedure is now likely gone. Even worse, you’re likely now confronting a whole […]