General Health

How to Best Manage Seasonal Depression

Image Source: Photo by Joris Molenaar on Unsplash You probably know people who look forward to winter: they want the hot cocoa, cozy sweaters, and the holiday parties. They even like snow. For roughly 4-6% of the population, however, winter is not the most wonderful […]

General Health

How Your Work Environment Can Impact Your Health

Image Source: Pexels Health should always be approached in a holistic manner. A doctor’s diagnosis, what you eat each day, how long you sleep, how often you exercise, and even your very location should be taken into consideration.  When it comes to your surroundings, there’s […]

General Health

The Importance of Organic Food

Image Source: Unsplash You’ve probably found yourself in a situation on more than one occasion where you’ve been given the option of choosing organic or non-organic produce. While the non-organic options might be less expensive, reaching for that cheaper apple or avocado isn’t always the […]

Fitness on a Budget

Wheelchair-Friendly Outdoor Activities

Image Source: Pixabay In 2015, there were over 40 million people in the disability community. For many, wheelchairs are a method of assistance to help with everyday tasks, including getting from place to place or to assist with pain. As you may know, there are […]