woman sleeping on her bed
General Health

What Is Sleep Hygiene?

Between work and side hustles, picking kiddo number one up at daycare and dropping kiddo number two at the basketball team sleepover, many Americans fail to get enough sleep. And while people may have little say over busy schedules, they do have control over their […]

General Health

Why Do People Avoid Going to the Doctor?

Going to the doctor isn’t easy for many people. It can cause a lot of anxiety for some, especially if they’re anticipating bad news. Unfortunately, delaying care usually leads to worse news. However, there are other reasons that people avoid going to the doctor that […]

Fitness on a Budget

7 Ways to Make Sports Safer for Child Athletes

With summer on the way, many parents scramble to find activities the kiddos can participate in safely, and many turn to sports to keep little minds and bodies occupied. But just how safe are youth sports? And what do parents need to know prior to […]

Racing with disability in a 3 wheel chair
General Health

Long-Term Disability: Planning for the Worst

Photo by Audi Nissen on Unsplash Having to go on disability for any duration of time is daunting, but having to be on long-term disability is even scarier. The upfront cost-of-care is often high, but ongoing and future care may be even harder to budget […]

seniors playing chess
General Health

6 Ways for Seniors to Stay Healthier and Happier

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash Today’s seniors have a difficult go of things. Families today spread out all over the nation and the globe, making regular trips to Grandma’s house difficult. Many seniors lose those they love the most as they enter the sunset […]

Vaccine picture to prevent measles
General Health

Measles Is Back on the Rise: How to Protect Yourself

It’s been almost two decades since measles was declared eradicated in the U.S. After developing successful vaccines against the highly contagious viral infection in the ‘60s, federal and state governments began creating policies to require children to become vaccinated early on in order to avoid […]

Stop cancer
General Health

7 Simple Things You Can Do to Help Lower Your Cancer Risk

Fear of the “big C” plagues many of us — and some, like Angelina Jolie, undergo dramatic procedures in order to reduce their risks. However, most people can reduce their risks of developing certain forms of cancer by making simple behavioral and dietary changes. Considering […]