krill oil tablet
Nutrition on a Budget

Why Krill Oil Is a Better Source of Omega-3

by Sandra Goldstein Information boasting the important health benefits associated with optimal omega-3 intake is everywhere. Doctors, homeopaths, personal trainers and dietitians alike are touting the long-term health benefits non-stop. Omega-3’s are more than important. In fact, some would go so far as to say, they are […]

sit ups
General Health

Popular Health And Wellness Myths Busted

by Steven Madison Most people want to be healthier and a lot of them even make real changes in their lives to achieve that goal. Millions of Americans belong to gyms – though not everyone actually uses their membership – because they want to get […]

Fitness on a Budget

How Pilates can Boost your Wellbeing in 2013

by Wayne Thomas As 2013 gets well underway, many people are asking themselves what they can do to boost their health and well-being  With the majority of us juggling long working hours, and little time between getting home and putting the kids to bed for anything other […]

General Health

Top 10 Natural Uses for Witch Hazel

You may have seen a dusty bottle of the stuff hanging out in your grandmother’s bathroom and wondered what it was used for. Here are the top 10 natural uses for witch hazel. What is Witch Hazel? Witch hazel is an astringent made from the […]

gardening by family: photo credit: © JackF -
General Health

What Gardening Can Do For Your Health

by Mackenzie Kupfer When most people think of gardening, they picture their grandmothers or some other sweet elderly lady puttering about in her yard tending to roses. This may be an accurate picture of gardening but it is not the only picture. Gardening can in fact […]

General Health

7 Financial Implications of Obamacare or the Affordable Healthcare Act

by Bill Paquin With medical costs skyrocketing over the last several years, educating oneself about the ins and outs of the American healthcare system has never been more important. That is especially true given the recent enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), […]

Fitness on a Budget

Five Benefits of an Elliptical Trainer

Elliptical trainers have been steadily growing in popularity, and in fact, typically when you go to a fitness center or health club you will find as many ellipticals as treadmills.  That was not the case several years ago.  There are several reasons why elliptical trainers […]