blonde hair

Coconut Oil Benefits for Hair Care and Skin

by Natassia Green In recent years, the anti-saturated fat/coconut oil propaganda has lost almost completely because of only one reason. This is the fact that coconut oil does treating miracles to hair of any type. Coconut oil is one of the best chemical-free deep conditioners […]

General Health

6 Tips to Stay Healthy When Traveling

by Savannah Elwood One thing that’s annoying when traveling is the need to put restrictions on yourself because being on a trip isn’t exactly an excuse to lose your head. May this be the budget you allot for shopping, the number of beers you drink, or […]


Top Natural Treatments for Psoriasis

Moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis affects approximately 7.5 million Americans. Plaque psoriasis can be itchy, uncomfortable, and embarrassing to live with. Though not contagious, confusion about the patches on your skin can make social and work situations difficult as you feel the need to explain over and […]

Paleo nutrition
Nutrition on a Budget

Ten Health Benefits of Paleo Diet

by Ira Braceloff The Paleo diet, simply put, imitates the eating habits of our ancestors. The term Paleo means primitive or very early. Our ancestors were hunters and gatherers, and they foraged animals and plants. The Paleo diet promotes the minimalist lifestyle of the caveman, […]