Why Cholesterol Is Necessary for Heart Health

Spacefill model of the Cholesterol molecule
Photo by RedAndr

If you follow mainstream media, you will start thinking cholesterol is bad. However, the statement all cholesterol is bad is a myth. The reality is that cholesterol plays an important function in our body. Avoiding good fats to lower cholesterol can be a mistake because several important hormones won’t be made. As a result, your body will not perform at an optimum level.

That’s why we are delighted to share this infographic prepared by Brenda Watson. Brenda Watson is going to bust these public myths in her Public Television Special called Heart of Perfect Health. She has also busted these myths in her book.

Infographic: Heart and digestive health

Infographic by ReNew Life, a Heart Healthy Company

Please feel free to share this infographic with everyone.

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We provide resources to eat and live healthy on a budget. Health on a budget is a lifestyle that allows you to live a happy healthy life while saving money.

1 Comment

  1. I’ve had this discussion with my wife lately as she is trying to lower her cholesterol. She has cut out a lot of the fat in her diet. I have encouraged her to take Omega 3 fish oil just to be safe.
    Thanks for the information!


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