light in operating room
General Health

How to Maintain Your Physical and Mental Health When an Operation Goes Wrong

Facing an operation can be scary in the best of circumstances — when that operation goes “wrong,” however, the effects can be devastating. Whatever benefit you were hoping to derive from the procedure is now likely gone. Even worse, you’re likely now confronting a whole […]

General Health

The Importance of Focusing On Your Health After Negative Events

Image Source: Unsplash Depression and anxiety are the most common mental health conditions across the globe. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression affects 264 million people to varying degrees. Additionally, almost 300 million people have an anxiety disorder.  When you take a look […]

General Health

How Workplace Discrimination Impacts Your Mental Health

Unsplash Experiencing discrimination at work can be one of the most trying things you can go through in life. Workplace discrimination can be dehumanizing and can leave many feeling like they’re trapped in a terrible situation with no clear path forward. Even worse, experiencing workplace […]

General Health

How to Best Manage Seasonal Depression

Image Source: Photo by Joris Molenaar on Unsplash You probably know people who look forward to winter: they want the hot cocoa, cozy sweaters, and the holiday parties. They even like snow. For roughly 4-6% of the population, however, winter is not the most wonderful […]