Superfoods That Are Amazing For Your Skin

Picture of blueberries

by Shannon Kingsley

What makes these foods super? It’s the extra-large amount of vitamins and minerals that you can get from these foods that helps you be more healthy and live longer.

Superfoods are mostly plant-based although there are fish and dairy that are good too for the body because they are nutritionally dense. These foods contain antioxidants that help prevent chronic illnesses like cancer, heart diseases and diabetes and they bring about several health benefits. Having healthy and youthful skin is just one of them. Check out out these superfoods that can give you super amazing skin.Picture of blueberries


Blueberries are a great source of antioxidants, Vitamins A & C, and fiber. It is the resveratrol and the antioxidants found in this super fruit that protects our skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV rays.

The Vitamin C that you get from eating blueberries is vital in collagen formation and Vitamin A is essential in preventing premature aging.

Green tea

For years, this has been used medicinally in treating headaches and depression. Adding on to the list of the benefits that you can get from green tea is having healthy skin and improved complexion.

This can be achieved by either drinking the tea or mixing green tea with other ingredients such as plain natural yogurt in order to make a face mask.  

avocado pictureAvocados

Avocados are very rich in antioxidants, which is vital in fighting off the free radicals in our body.

They protect the skin from the damages caused by the environment, preventing premature aging and wrinkles.

Vitamin C, an important vitamin in collagen and elastin creation is also found in this super fruit. This vitamin is essential in keeping the skin firm and supple.


If you are looking for a healthy snack and you’re on the go all the time, nuts like walnuts are great options. The good news is, walnuts are not only beneficial to your heart and brain health but your skin health as well.

These healthy nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that helps in protecting your skin from harmful UV rays. Expect a more glowing and youthful skin because these fatty acids do a good job in locking in moisture and nutrients in your skin.

Sweet Potatoes

This nutritious vegetable is a good source of Vitamin A and is high in carotenoids. It has anti-inflammatory properties which is beneficial to one’s health. Aside from the fact that this is such a delicious sweet vegetable, this can also be used to treat skin problems.

Mashed sweet potato mixed with a tablespoon of honey or 2-3 teaspoon of lemon juice can treat oily skin if used as a face mask. And if you happen to have puffy eyes, you can take two slices of the vegetable and place them on your eyes.


Oranges are always associated with Vitamin C, a vitamin that helps strengthen the immune system. That’s not all oranges are good for. Vitamin C is vital in keeping the skin healthy because it plays an important role in collagen formation.

Oranges are also a good source of Vitamin B complex that can improve blood circulation and this ensures that the skin gets all the nutrients it needs to be healthy.


Like oranges, kiwi is also a great source of Vitamin C. Kiwi also contains vitamin E that aids in cell regeneration so your skin continues to be moisturized and youthful.

This fruit is not only eaten but it can also be applied topically on the skin together with other ingredients in order to combat skin blemishes and to get rid of the unhealthy dead skin.


They are more than just aphrodisiacs. They are a good source of zinc, a mineral that is needed in the production of collagen and in healing chronic infection such as eczema and acne. It helps in maintaining healthy skin by normalizing the oil present in the skin.


If there is one thing that tomatoes are rich in, it’s lycopene, a powerful antioxidant which protects your skin from premature aging and from the damages caused by the sun. It keeps the skin young by preventing the breakdown of collagen.


Although not everyone likes spinach, this is one healthy superfood that contains the essential nutrients in keeping your skin healthy. It has anti-aging properties because of the antioxidants present in this vegetable and it contains Vitamin C that helps in repairing skin cells so it remains healthy and beautiful.


This is perhaps everyone’s staple food for breakfast which is great because eggs are good for the hair, skin and overall health. The egg yolks are rich in biotin which protects the skin from infections such as fungal infections and acne and it prevents the skin from drying and cracking.

Shannon Kingsley


(Shannon Kingsley loves all things outdoors such as hiking, camping, and bike riding. After her second child, Shannon was left with large stretch marks and is now passionate about helping others prevent and help reduce their own stretch marks as well as reduce other skin spots & blemishes. She can be found at

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