If you are interested in writing a guest post for this website, you can send your proposed topic through this page. If you have a healthy living blog or if you are interested in sharing your ideas about eating or living healthy on a budget, we strongly encourage you to submit a guest post. Guest posting is a great way to increase visibility to your blog or website.

What Do We Publish?

We consider articles related to the theme of this site. The guest post should consist of at least 750 words. The article can be related to nutrition, fitness, yoga or any health topic. We promote articles about natural health because this strengthens your immune system so that you save money by not being sick. You also reduce your risk for several chronic diseases.

We are not critics of modern medicine. Although it is not a good idea to be dependent on modern pharmaceutical drugs the rest of our lives, modern medicine has saved lives and done some wonderful things especially in emergency situations. So we also consider guest posts about saving money on hospital bills, dental or optical care, and medicines.

We do not want to publish an article about the same idea over and over again. So it is a good idea to take a look at what articles this site has already published or propose what you are planning to write about.

Common Reasons for Not Accepting Articles

Since we have started to receive a high volume of guest post requests, we may not be able to reply all emails. However, we will always reply if we like your article idea or guest post. You will usually hear from us within 1-2 weeks. Some common reasons for rejections are:

  1. The body of the email contains too many grammatical errors. If your email contains several basic errors, that cannot be a sign of a high quality post in the future.
  2. Guest Post is too short or contains too many grammatical errors. We generally require at least 750 words. (Sometimes we may make an exception if the post is exceptional with a unique idea.)
  3. Topic is not relevant to our niche.
  4. The post is difficult to read or it does not provide any useful information to our readers. If you are new to writing for websites, you can read about best guest post practices before contacting us.
  5. The guest post is too promotional. If the guest post reads like an ad, there is no reason why we should promote your product.
  6. Sometimes your email can go to spam without us ever seeing your request. You can check whether major email providers such as gmail automatically send your email to the spam box.
  7. We accept only posts which have never been published before. We use tools such as Grammarly or Copyscape to check for plagiarism.

For additional information, please take a look at our article guidelines. Or please send your question or guest post through the form below.

    1 Comment

    1. I’m Anita, a published scientist and clinical nutritionist carrying a Master of Science in Personalized Nutrition and a Bachelor of Science in Genetic & Molecular Biology. I am well researched in topic areas of fitness, nutrition, health, medicine and supplements, and have experience working with large scale companies such as Naturenetics, Consumer Health Digest and PURE supplements. I’m also a certified personal trainer and have practiced for 4 years.

      Additionally, I’ve worked with many high profile clients such as Dr. Steven Lin of The Dental Diet, celebrity nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella, and the British Association of Nutritional Therapists. I also hold a position as the Editor and Director of Content Development at a scientific content agency.

      As a bonus, I have a combined Facebook and Twitter audience of over 50,000 followers and growing daily, where I would be happy to promote any relevant articles that I’ve written for you. You can check me out on Twitter @factvsfitness or check out my website http://www.factvsfitness.com

      Looking forward to hearing from you.

      Warmest regards,


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