Emily Parker
June 8, 2011
There are plenty of diets, fads, work out and weight loss programs out there. Many of them are questionable, while others are reputable. However, ultimately it comes down to some pretty simple concepts to sustain your health. Eat healthy vitamin-rich foods and get regular exercise, while avoiding high fat and processed foods. With hectic and expensive lives, it is not easy to stick to your plan. Below are some ways to motivate yourself to sustain your health goal and stay in a healthy routine for life.

Tip #1 – Just Push Play
Steven Tyler may not know, but when Aerosmith released their Just Push Play album in 2001, they were providing advice for one of life’s biggest challenges – staying healthy. It really is about taking that first step! How many of us quit a diet or workout plan within a week (or few hours)?
Think about it: the first time on your bicycle with no training wheels, your first day of school or your first driving lesson all felt like daunting tasks! But once you surpass that initial step, the rest comes easier. So, Just Push Play, whether it’s literally starting your hardcore ab workout, ordering a healthful lunch or putting on your gym clothes – take that first step and don’t think twice about it!
Tip #2 – Make a Schedule (for Both Work and Play)
Humans are creatures of habit and the first few weeks while your body adjusts to changes can be tough, but you will find your body craving the healthier foods and the daily workouts. Life is all about balance and that’s why it’s important to also schedule your days off. Take a day to do something fun or relax guilt-free, since you’ve earned it! WomenFitness.NET is a great site for women seeking workout plans and new schedules that work for them!
It’s also a good idea to do weekly grocery shopping and plan out your meals. E-Mealz is one website that provides tips for good meal ideas.
Tip #3 – Stay Focused on the Goal
It’s easy to forget how great you feel after a tough workout. Everyday can be a struggle to remind yourself of this, especially when you’re tired or stressed. If you have trouble remembering, start a log of how you feel after a workout or a good meal. You can also take photos of yourself as you progress towards your goal to see the transformation.
No one ever regrets a good workout and yet how many of us regret sitting on the couch all night or eating that greasy pizza? It can take time to see results, so the best thing you can do is ignore the excuses and discouraging thoughts, andstay focused on your goal.
Tip #4 – Get Organized
Find ways to create a healthy environment in your home and office. Discard anything that promotes unhealthy habits, like salty snacks in your office. Also set up an area of your house for indoor workouts. Create a relaxing environment somewhere in your house to de-stress, since stress causes your body to crave sugar. Keep a protein snack in your car like unsalted nuts to curb cravings before you hit up your kitchen the second you walk in the door!
Active.com and BeachBody.com are helpful resources for anybody looking stay motivated to live healthier. They include local races, tips for workouts, online forums and ways to improve your overall health.
Tip #5 – Accept Your New Lifestyle
Many people don’t understand or don’t want to believe that being healthy is not something you GET TO – it’s something you live by. Once you recognize it’s not just a few months of workouts or dieting, you learn to take it one day at a time. You’ll learn what things you can do without and how to slowly change bad habits. For instance, the P90x workout works wonders for many and the show the Biggest Loser helps thousands of people. The one message that each organization continues to impress on its audience is that you don’t stop after the 90 days or one season. This is just the first step in taking control of and truly enjoying your life!
Tip #6 – Reward Yourself
After you whip yourself into shape, keep in mind that it’s vital to reward yourself in small ways to remain motivated, so that you don’t give up, say, six weeks after New Year’s! It’s a tradeoff – if you know you really want ice cream after dinner, skip the cookies at work. Or as you start to feel and see changes, purchase a small gift like perfume or piece of jewelry for yourself. You are the one controlling your destiny and no food can make you feel this accomplished.
Staying healthy or sustaining your weight loss routine can be very challenging, especially when you first embark on changing your everyday routine. But you will never regret taking control of your future and living a much healthier life. It requires consistent work, but once you create a routine, it will feel like small steps to avoid major health problems. The accomplished feeling and positive results will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced – including ice cream!
(Emily is a Professional Organizer and Event Planner out of New England. She is also a triathlete and runner, who is passionate about staying fit and healthy in all aspects of life. Emily strives to find a true balance between fun, work, health, & enjoying time with loved ones.)
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