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We’ve all been there. You go to the doctor for some injury or illness — an ankle sprain, an ear infection. A few weeks later, the bill comes in the mail and now you get to add a heart attack to your sore foot or painful ear! There’s no escaping the fact that, even with the best health insurance, medical expenses can be astronomical. And if you are one of the nearly 30 million Americans without health insurance — forget about it!
But it’s not just medical costs that are a problem. It’s also the sometimes terrible side effects of medications for even the most common ailments, from the development of antibiotic-resistant infections to the risk of potentially life-threatening allergic reactions. That’s why more people than ever before are now looking to preventative and holistic medicine to help them get — and stay — in peak condition! But what are the best strategies for making preventative and holistic medicine a part of your and your family’s life?
You are What You Eat
One of the best strategies by far for practicing good holistic and preventative self-care is to feed your body well. Think of your body as the universe’s most sophisticated computer. The quality of the output depends on the quality of the input.
That means making sure your body has the essential micronutrients and macronutrients it needs to perform at optimal levels. You can get your macronutrients from healthy foods that provide you with the essential carbs, proteins, and other nutrients your cells hunger for. Micronutrients include essential vitamins and minerals that not only support bodily systems but also help you slow the aging process!
But that’s not all! You can even use medicinal plants and herbs to help you fight illness. For example, there are a range of natural foods that have proven antibiotic and antiseptic properties. So the next time you’re enjoying a bit of cinnamon in your cereal or honey in your tea, know it’s not only pleasing your tastebuds, but it’s also helping you fend off infection!
Get Moving!
Another key to preventative health is getting up and getting active. Sedentary lifestyles not only contribute to obesity risk, but they’re also linked to significant reductions in your quality of life and overall life expectancy. But, getting active doesn’t mean chaining yourself to some boring exercise routine or, on the other hand, running yourself ragged like a hamster on a wheel. You can actually get active while having some fun! Your best bet is to grab hold of a fit good friend and do something active together, from taking a run to playing a game of basketball.
And if you want to keep things interesting, don’t be afraid to try something new. Sign up for those tango lessons or that belly dancing class you’ve often thought about. What matters is that you get up and get moving!
Get in the Know
Knowledge really is power, and that’s especially true when you’re trying to focus on preventative and holistic health. Fortunately, we live in the information age, and that makes it easier than ever to keep track of your health. Wearable health tech can help you spot signs of trouble early, such as increases in your glucose or blood pressure, so that you can address potential issues before they escalate into a full-blown health crisis.
Of course, once you have all your health and fitness data, you need to know what to make of it. That’s where enlisting the help of preventative and holistic health experts comes in! And you probably won’t have to go far to find them. In fact, your local family nurse practitioner is likely highly trained in preventative health education, and will be able to hook you and your family up with the information resources you need to live your best, and healthiest, life!
The Takeaway
Good health is a gift, one to be cherished and preserved. Fortunately, you don’t have to rely solely on the traditional healthcare system to ensure your well-being and the well-being of those you love. Practicing good preventative and holistic health, from feeding your body what it needs to staying informed on your health needs, to getting your body moving, can help you stay strong and vibrant for years to come!