Natural budget protein alternatives can build muscles.
Fitness on a Budget

Truth About Whey Protein

I’m sure you’ve seen commercials for them.  Hulk-like men and women guzzling down protein shakes claiming they are the key to success.  I see it almost every day at the gym and with friends, but are these expensive powders really worth the high price tag?  […]

Nutrition on a Budget

Raita Recipe and Benefit

Raita is a South Asian cuisine usually used as a salad or dip. It is made from plain yogurt with tomatoes, cucumber and avocado, cumin seeds, black salt, cilantro, and green chilies. Here are the preparation steps for raita

Fitness on a Budget

How to Start Running?

Living a healthier life is a very common resolution; unfortunately many don’t know how to fulfill these respectable goals. Well, we’re here to help. The most basic thing to do is get active, go for a jog, run, or walk regularly. Here are some tips […]

Beginning Healthy Life

Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

The kids missed the bus so you drove them to school and now you’re running late for work. You couldn’t even think about breakfast this morning and now you’re trapped in an hour-long meeting with nothing to quell a growling stomach but high-calorie donuts and […]

Coconut Yogurt with Pineapple and Pomegranate in a Glass
Meal On A Budget

Coconut Yogurt Recipe

Coconut yogurt with pineapple and pomegranate is a tasty drink. This drink comes with all the healthy antioxidants that help nourish your body. If you are looking for a healthy budget-friendly snack, coconut yogurt is a great option.


Lazy Breakfast Ideas

Ah, breakfast. A time for the family to gather around at the kitchen table over fresh-squeezed orange juice, fluffy eggs and a platter of home-made pancakes thick with maple syrup. Yeah, right. Maybe in the 1950’s. Twenty-first century demands have the modern family on the go, […]

Butternut Squash Quinoa
Meal On A Budget

Butternut Squash Quinoa Recipe

Butternut squash quinoa risotto is a delicious dish that can be prepared within a budget. If you are a busy professional and work every day, then you can prepare this over the weekend and take it to work for lunch during the weekdays. The picture […]