by Amethyst Tagney
With all the different fitness fads that come and go, it can be hard to tell which exercises will actually benefit your body and health. After all, some exercises aren’t even good for you which we wrote about in last week’s post. Many people say the best exercise is the exercise you stick with.
Although this is very true, some exercises are just better for you than others. There are workouts out there that strengthen your body and improve your health rather than just making you look good.
These exercises can aid in the prevention of chronic diseases, help with addiction, and even improve mental health. Depending on who you ask, you might get differing answers. However, of all the exercises fitness experts suggest, here are the ones they agree on the most.
Squats are by far one of the most recommended exercises to take up. This exercise targets some of the biggest muscle groups in your body, including your calves, hamstrings, and glutes. They also strengthen the joints of your ankles, knees, and hips.
Additionally, squats are also known to improve your brain’s ability to communicate to your muscles as well as improve regularity in the bathroom. To properly do a squat, your back needs to be straight and your feet hip width apart.
Although squats improve balance, you may need to keep your arms outstretched in front of you to center yourself when starting out. Then, just pretend you’re going to sit down in a chair. In fact, you can even practice with one until you get the motion down. Just make sure your knees don’t bend over your toes.
Swimming is probably one of the best exercises you can do. It’s a low-impact workout so you don’t have to worry as much about the wear and tear many exercises can have on your body. That being said, this exercise is especially recommended for people who are already experiencing joint pain or have a health condition such as arthritis.
While it’s low-impact, swimming is considered an aerobic exercise, so you’ll be doing your heart a huge favor by taking a dip in the pool.
Due to resistance from the water, almost all of your muscles will be strengthened by this exercise as well. You won’t just receive physical benefits from getting your feet wet either.
This exercise has been known to improve mental health by relieving stress and prompting the release of happiness-inducing endorphins. If you don’t have access to a swimming pool, take advantage of the natural bodies of water near you, such as lakes and oceans. However, you may need a wetsuit and other gear if you want to start ocean swimming.
Although many people don’t see walking as a workout, you can reap myriad benefits just by taking a simple stroll. In fact, some experts even think walking is better for you than running.
It would be easier to just list what walking doesn’t do for you.
For starters, walking is great for your bones and lowers your chances of getting osteoporosis.
Walking also does wonders for your heart and lowers your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Also, like swimming, this exercise boosts your mood and alleviates negatives emotions.
It has also been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimer’s and other age-related memory issues. Another great benefit is that you can do it anywhere and the only equipment you need is a comfortable pair of walking shoes.
Planks aren’t just for pirate ships. They’re an essential exercise for strengthening your core. Although it may not look like you’re doing much, you definitely feel the strain and burn when you do one.
Performing planks also engages the muscles in your arms, shoulders, and back, involving multiple areas throughout your body. To do one correctly, you need to be in a pushup position, with your elbows on the ground and your body supported in midair by your forearms and the balls of your feet.
Make sure your hips are stable and aren’t lifted towards the sky or slumping to the floor. Your back needs to be nice and straight for this exercise to be beneficial. When performed correctly, planks can help with back pain and improve your posture.
Exercise benefits us in a variety of ways. Not only does it tone our bodies and makes us feel good, working out improves our quality of life as well. Exercises are not created equal, though, so it’s up to you to research and discern which will benefit you the most.
It’s also equally important that you choose exercises that you enjoy so you can be consistent in your workout routine. So whether you walk, swim, plank, or squat today, remember that your body will be thanking you today and far into the future.
(Amethyst Tagney is a freelance writer and illustrator. Maintaining her health is one of the most important things to Amethyst, so keeping up with the latest news on nutrition and fitness is a must. When she’s not in the kitchen or working out, Amethyst loves to share what she discovers. You can find her on Twitter @AmTagWrites.)
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