How to Wash Shoes During a Pandemic? 5 Simple Tips That You Probably Forgot About

Shoes on the ground

by Jake Lester

Although everybody has learned to wash their hands and disinfect all the items that are brought inside the house, we will have you know that your sports shoes are as important in this equation.

As it was proved, they represent a great concern because they come in direct contact with the grocery stores’ floors which could be a big source of germs.

Let’s see what you need to know and learn how to wash shoes.

1. Wash Shoes in the Washing Machine

In case you don’t know how to wash shoes in washing machine we are here to lay out for you the most important things to take into account when doing so.

  • Remove as much debris as possible by using a damp rag, in case it happens that you have a lot of grass, mud, or dirt on them. No need for you to start scrubbing them, as a simple wipe is enough to remove the debris. Banging them against each other also helps in dislodging the dirt.
  • Before you wash shoes get some warm water, mix it with soap, and use a toothbrush to clean the soles. Make sure you use a little bit of force when scrubbing and rinse with water thoroughly before you wash shoes in the washing machine.

2. What Shoes You Should Wear at Work

Shoes on the groundJust in case your workplace requires to still report to work then it is recommended that you choose one single pair and only use them to go to work. You must wash shoes to help to prevent bringing the virus inside your home.

Health care workers have done this for a long time now and we should take their example in these extraordinary times that we are living in, as they have learned how to wash white shoes.

If your line of work requires you to wear running shoes, then you can apply the same steps that we described above, for the washing machine so you can easily learn how to wash running shoes and have no stress about it.

3. You Can Use Vinegar to Wash Shoes

 The use of vinegar is recommended especially if you use leather. Just make sure that you mix equal parts of distilled white vinegar and cool water.

Wash shoes by dipping a cloth in the resulting mix and gently wiping your shoes until you notice that all the dirt and debris are gone.

It’s important you know how to wash and dry shoes because the drying part bears the same importance as washing them.

White sports shoes4. Use the Recommended Method of the Manufacturer

Because nobody wants to ruin a perfectly good pair of shoes, you might want to learn how to wash white shoes without turning yellow.

Always make sure that you follow the tags or, better yet, visit their website and take notes about what are the recommended steps to take to wash shoes.

You might be surprised to find out, but not all pairs of shoes will make it in the washing machine, and in those cases, you will, most probably, have to manually wash shoes to keep their integrity and structure.

After all, the ideal scenario is the one where they will always smell fresh and are still fitting like when you bought them.

5. Don’t Use the Dryer

The biggest mistake that you can make when you wash shoes is putting them in the dryer after. This will most likely create damage that cannot be undone and you will, most likely, end up throwing them in the trash or add them in the “work around the house” pile.

The best option you have after you wash shoes is to air dry them in an open-air area and let them dry for about 24 hours.

A useful tip for speeding up the process of drying, and to help them keep their original shape, is to make a few balls of newspaper pages and stuff your shoes with them. 


No matter if you choose the washing machine method or you manually take care of the cleaning process, it is always important to prepare and know all the steps that are necessary to wash shoes effectively.

We must take all the necessary precautions during this sensible period. What other methods do you use when you wash shoes? Join us in the comments section and feel free to share your stories.

(Jake Lester is a self-published author that works in our content-creating team and he enjoys experimenting with baking every once in a while. When he is not creating content, he likes to write for his website or  go on long runs in the park as it helps him organize his thoughts and clear his mind.)

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