How Chiropractic Care Is an Effective Solution for Migraines & Severe Headaches

chiropractic doing spinal alignment

by Lisa Parker

No one can escape the torture of migraines and headaches, which are a common phenomenon experienced by every individual at some point in their lives. They are brought on by a plethora of triggers, most deducible and some unclear, making it tough to always treat the underlying concern.

General triggers range from stress, medication, too little or too much sleep, weather changes, and hormonal changes to the intake of various foods and beverages as well as other external factors. The spinal headache or migraine is one of the worst kinds, occurring due to issues with the nerves that exit at the level of the spine, when a bone is subluxated in the neck.

chiropractic doing spinal alignment

Understanding Headaches

Headaches can differ from person to person, by type as well as by the area affected, and are usually determined by their underlying causes. They result from the interaction between the signals of the brain, blood vessels and the surroundings nerves. Headaches that occur suddenly are typically triggered by a cold, infection or fever.

Different Types of Headaches:

·      Tension Headaches

The tension headache is known to be a constant annoying achy feeling that can take on either the entire head or certain parts of it, as well as affect the area behind the eyes. These headaches can last from 30 minutes to days and are a result of high stress levels or even tension in the back and neck muscles due to bad posture.

·      Migraines

These are torturous, intense and throbbing headaches that are genetically passed on and brought on by nausea and sensitively to light or noise. The attacks last from a few hours to a few days, can happen several times a month or once a year, depending on the individual, but in all cases they tend to become less severe with age.

·      Cluster Headaches

These headaches are considered a cousin to migraines. They are short in duration but are excessively painful, and impact one side of the head and the area behind the eyes. They tend to occur frequently in a day, for several days on end, only returning every few months or even years later.

·      Sinus Headaches

These headaches normally affect the forehead, nasal area, eyes, cheeks and the top of the head, and are brought on by allergies or certain kinds of inflammation and infections. They are not considered common and are likely to discontinue post a proper course of treatment.

Understanding Migraines

As discussed above, migraines are reoccurring headaches that are linked to symptoms of general sickness. People who suffer from them usually have very sensitive nervous systems and are bound to experience their first bout before they turn 30 years of age. Knowing the kind of migraine one suffers from is the best way to provide the necessary treatment.

The Two Main Types of Migraines are:

·      Migraine without Aura

These occur without warning and are usually moderate to severe pulsating headache pains on one side of the head, which brings with it any of a number of related symptoms like nausea, mood swings, blurred vision, fatigue, and confusion. They can last from 4 to 72 hours, occurring a few times a week to a few times a year.

·      Migraine with Aura

These bring about visual disturbances and other neurological symptoms that commence before the painful headache itself, and subside within an hour.

The aura systems induce muscle weakness on one side of the body, tingling sensations in the face and hands, mindlessness and general confusion in even speaking, and may also occur without an accompanying headache.

The Natural and Effective Solution to Headaches and Migraines: Chiropractic Care

More often than not, individuals who suffer from headaches complain about muscle tension around the neck, upper back and shoulders which arise due to inappropriate breathing patterns and/or a bad posture, long hours of sitting in front of a computer, etc. So, how can visiting a chiropractor help?

The most effective means to relieve the symptoms of both headaches and migraines is by improving the posture significantly, which can be achieved through chiropractic adjustments. As it helps to reduce the pressure in and around the neck and spine, chiropractic care stabilizes muscle tension and restores motion by alleviating the stressors.

The main purpose of chiropractic is to restore proper breathing and optimal posture through natural methods, by maneuvering the spine, hips and ribs. Chiropractic treatment works towards spinal alignment in order to attain the optimal posture that allows free movement and strengthens muscle control, which in turn reduces headaches.

Therefore, if you find yourself suffering from debilitating headaches and migraines that are not relieved by traditional healthcare methods, you might want to explore the benefits of chiropractic instead!

(Lisa Parker grew up in the beautiful state of Colorado and has been a nature lover since childhood. She eats organic and fresh produce and regularly practices yoga and meditation to keep her grounded. She currently works for Pro-Chiropractic Clinics as a Patient Counsellor and strongly believes that body posture plays a vital role in giving us the strength, both inside and out. She writes about alternative health, chiropractic care and other topics that revolve around keeping your body strong and fit. “Travel, read, learn, love yourself, dress your age and smile from ear to ear” is her motto in life.)

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