Fight Cold, Flu and Sicknesses With These Three Herbs

by Kevin Whitsitt

sickBeing sick impacts your social life, relationships, business and can hurt your health. I’m going to share with you a few of the best herbs to take to not only avoid getting sick, but how to fight off the illness as well. This will not only put some more money in your pocket, it will help your social life, relationships and improve your health.

The reason getting sick can hurt your health is that when your immune system blasts nasty viruses or bacteria it creates free radicals. Some health experts believe that these free radicals are the main cause of someone dying of old age. These radicals also create wrinkles, damage organs and do more bad things.

Sometimes sickness can actually be a good thing, such as if a person gets the chicken pox when they are young they are much less likely to get it in the future, because their body will recognize it.

Unfortunately, this is the only case I can think of and if you can think of others than please let me know in the comments below.

So let’s talk about herbs to fight your cold, flu and other sicknesses.


I’m going to predict that you probably have heard of this herbal remedy before. What you might not know is that it was actually the commonly used herbal remedy in the United States in the earliest 20th century. When Penicillin came into the picture the popularity of Echinacea plummeted, like a stone falling from the Empire State Building.

The history of this herbal remedy really came from Native Americans, and as you can probably guess it originated around North America. Tribal Indians used it to treat snake bikes, coughing, headaches and symptoms that are associated with being sick.

If you are wondering if this herbal remedy actually works, then the answer is perhaps. A study done by the University of Connecticut has shown that it can cut the chance of a cold by more than 50%, and reduce the duration of a sickness by 1 – 2 days.

Another study done by the University of Virginia  has shown that it doesn’t work.

The good news is that many scientists do believe that it may work by motivating white blood cells to get moving, just like if Richard Simmons was cloned, shrunk and was assigned to each white blood cell. That is if you believe that Richard Simmons actually motivates people to exercise.

Black Cumin Seeds

black cumin seedsThe prophet Muhammad stated that black cumin seeds can cure everything except for death according to this source. If you’re not sure who Muhammad is, Muslims believe that he was the prophet of god and their messenger.

Stating that it can cure everything might see a little hopeful, but this alternative herb has over 100 beneficial nutrients.

Research has shown that black cumin seeds may boost the production of interferon. Interferon is a protein that is part of the body’s initial response to a threat. The reason it’s called interferon is because it interferes with harmful threats such as viruses, bacteria, tumors and parasites.

Interferon also tells the immune system to get moving, similar to General Patton slapping a soldier because he was too scared to fight. Many studies  also conclude that this herb can fight some cancers, diseases and boost the immune system, which is fairly cool right?

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive leaf extract comes from the olive tree that is somewhat famous around the Mediterranean Sea. You might have heard of the phrase of extending the olive breach, which means peace.

This herbal remedy is a natural anti-biotic and can help fight off harmful bacteria. Say if someone uses the same antibiotic over and over again, then the bacterium can learn from it and build up a resistance to it.

Using olive leaf extract can hit the unhealthy bacterium where it’s not expecting it, sort of like flanking an army on the battlefield. Research also suggests that olive leaf may be a true anti-viral compound because it appears to selectively block not just some of a virus-specific system, but all of it inside an infected host.

More good news is that clinical studies show that olive leaf extract can deal a lethal killing blow to various illness’s and diseases.


In closing herbal remedies can be tremendously helpful, but there are a few things that you should be aware of. The first thing is that believe it or not the majority of herbal remedies have not been proven to work. That doesn’t mean they don’t, but they could be a waste of money.

The second thing you should be aware of is that they can be dangerous and harmful. For example the CEO of Consumer Labs, which is a company that has analyzed over 2,000 different supplements has found that 1 out of 4 of them have problems. The frequent problem is that it contains contamination or that the ingredients listed on the label don’t actually come in the bottle.

Please leave a comment below with your thoughts and ideas. Have a wonderful day wherever you are!
Kevin Whitsitt

(Kevin Whitsitt is just an average guy that got interested in health after noticing his health start to decline working in the lumber industry. You can view more of his work at his website.)

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1 Comment

  1. Herbal alternatives will always work if they have been tested for generations, properly preserved and packed. The best thing to do is find a reliable source and experiment on better ways to take them.

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