It’s dumb to use dumbbells when you can build muscles naturally

Skipping rope

by Joel Newman

While the world is obsessed about weight loss, there are some who are looking for weight gain as well. Gyms and fitness centers have mushroomed all around the world raking in money in the name of fitness. They promise that you can sport a Sylvester Stallone look or Arnold Schwarzenegger type of body. The fee charged is exorbitant and people are made to starve or drink excessive protein shakes. There are many people who are not able to keep up the pace and drop out of these gyms within a few weeks. I would like to assure you that you need not spend any money to build muscles. There are many ways to build your muscles naturally; and it can be done free of cost.

Jogging, running and cycling:

Get involved in activities like cycling, jogging or skipping. Start your exercise by attempting only 25 skips in a day or jogging for a mile or two. Slowly increase it to 500 skips in a day and 5 mile jog. Finally, you can increase your jogging speed and start running. Skipping works out all the muscles in the body, especially the arms. This can be done 3 to 4 times in a week, at least for an hour.

Skipping rope
Skipping rope helps you lose weight and build muscles naturally.

If you can exercise on a daily basis then it is better. These activities are especially useful as they turn up the tempo on your metabolic rate in your body. If you are overweight then it burns the fat. If you are thin, this will make you hungry to eat more. All you need is to buy a pair of jogging shorts and shoes. You can find a good pair of shoes and shorts at a bargain by visiting any retail store especially during the holiday sales.

Drink plenty of water:

Water is the best drink for all your needs. It flushes out the toxins from your body. This in turn helps in weight loss. If you are thin and wish to add a few pounds then drink natural fruit juices and chocolate milk shakes. Adding cheese and butter (natural and organic) to your daily diet will help to increase weight the healthy way. Follow this procedure for a month to see the difference.

Swimming helps to build muscles:

Swimming is another wonderful exercise that helps to strengthen the muscles. Motivate yourself to exercise regularly. A positive attitude and optimistic approach will help you gain muscles naturally.

Eliminate all that unwanted gas:

Many people suffer from gas problems. Gas is produced when you eat a number of vegetables and fruits besides beans. This unnecessarily enlarges your stomach. Try to cut down on food products which cause gas. You can easily chalk out the complete list of food products that cause gas and eliminate them from your daily menu. Try to chew your food slowly while eating. Chew the food completely before you swallow it. This will help you to reduce the gas in your stomach.

Eat a balanced diet:

Instead of just dumping a couple of hundred grams of proteins to build muscles, it is better to eat a balanced diet containing all nutrients. Eating a chicken breast, nuts, berries, and banana help in building muscles and at the same time help in maintaining uniformity through out the body. It does not look natural if only your biceps look like huge mountains on an otherwise thin hand.

Reduce the stress in your life:

Everyone faces a lot of stress while trying to live a modern life. This is not good as it leads to unnecessary storage of fat in our body. This is because the stress hormone activates our body to produce more fat when we are stressed up. And most of these fats are added to our stomach.

You can reduce the stress in your life by leading a healthy life. Try to get more sleep and avoid harmful habits like drinking and smoking. You can also listen to any form of soothing music to de-stress yourself. Learn to laugh more often to drive away all the blues in your life.

Think positive:

It is said that mind is your master. So think positive and keep telling yourself that ‘all is well’. The positive energy emitted by you will fine tune with the vibrations present around you to shower you with all the positive things in life. This is what the Law of Attraction is all about.

Be innovative:

You need to be creative while working out. Don’t keep doing the same type of exercises week after week. Try to make modifications in them as your body gets used to the same pattern of exercises and it does more effectively without straining itself, thus losing fewer calories. Modify your exercises a bit so that your body gets a proper workout in every way.

These tips will help you build muscles naturally on a budget. A balanced diet and moderate physical activities are all you need to stay strong and fit without spending a fortune.

(Joel Newman is a health expert and regular blogger. Presently he is into research on hgh and GenF20 Plus.)

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We provide resources to eat and live healthy on a budget. Health on a budget is a lifestyle that allows you to live a happy healthy life while saving money.

1 Comment

  1. I agree that you do not need to spend money to be fit and build muscles. But I guess it may not be dumb to use dumbbells if you exercise at home. However, if you go to the gym, it will definitely cost more to do the same exercise.

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