Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents And How To Avoid Them


Those who enjoy riding motorcycles are familiar with the thrill and sense of adventure a bike can provide. However, as most experienced riders also know, the benefits don’t come without some risks. To stay safe, riders need to keep several things in mind at all times while also wearing the necessary safety gear to lessen injuries if an accident does occur. 

Whether you’re a motorcycle-riding expert or just getting started, injuries can occur if you’re not taking the right precautions. And though advancements within the healthcare field have created technology to help with severe injuries, it’s always better to be proactive about your safety than not.

Get Ready to Gear Up

Most of the common injuries that riders experience, such as road rash, burns, and broken bones, are the result of not wearing protective gear. Moreover, wearing the right equipment isn’t just to help prevent minor scrapes and injuries, it can be life-saving. 

As some fellow riders put it, to ride in maximum safety, invest in the right riding gear. They explain that “Due to the nature of riding a motorcycle, you’re more likely to die in a motorcycle crash than a car crash. While this doesn’t mean you need to trade in your bike for a sedan, there are some important tips to know and gear that can help keep you safe on the road.” A great place to start is with your helmet. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cites that on average, helmets reduce the risk of death by 37% and the risk of head injury by 69%. Helmet wearing should be non-negotiable for you and all passengers, whether you’re riding 1,000 miles or 10. Full coverage helmets are one of the best options as they offer the most protection. It’s also recommended to look for a helmet that meets the Department of Transportation’s safety standards.

Defense! Defense! Defense!

Riding a motorcycle with confidence not only makes you look and feel comfortable behind the handlebars, but it can also keep you safe. The safest kind of riding is defensive riding. Making yourself seen and heard can help keep you out of other drivers’ blind spots. Always have your lights on and a horn ready to honk if there are any signs of danger. You should also always be aware of your lane choice to keep you visible to traffic.   

Enjoy Your Hobbies (With Caution)

The unfortunate truth is that sometimes accidents are just unavoidable — even if you’re utilizing all the correct safety guidelines and tips. Another truth to be aware of is that motorcycle accidents are notorious for causing significant damage to the body.

Although wearing helmets, riding jackets, gloves, and heavy-duty boots can prevent a lot of serious injuries, sometimes, riders become too comfortable and begin feeling invincible or another motorist drives recklessly. Luckily, emerging technology and other innovations, such as 3D printing, are starting to help healthcare workers address and treat major injuries like never before. 

Though this certainly doesn’t mean you should throw all safety guidelines out the window, if you’ve been hesitant to start riding but long to enjoy the open road on a bike, keep in mind that not all accidents are life-threatening. However, don’t ever let that convince you you don’t need to be cautious and ride defensively. 

Hopping on a bike and hitting the road can actually be a great stress-reliever and presents the opportunity to see new sights, meet new people and communities, and enjoy a little adventure. By following important safety guidelines you can avoid most common injuries and keep riding as far as your bike will take you. 

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About Frankie Wallace 75 Articles
Frankie Wallace writes for a variety of blogs on several different topics, from education to environmentalism. Wallace is a recent graduate from the University of Montana and currently resides in Boise, Idaho.