Beat Hot Flashes with the Health Benefits of Red Clover Tea

Hot flashes, night sweats, anxiety and irritability. The effects of menopause can be life-altering and annoying. Red clover tea can help treat hot flashes naturally and even improve bone health. This article explains all the health benefits of red clover tea.

What is Red Clover?

Red clover is a flowering plant that belongs in the legume family. It commonly grows wild in Asia and Europe. It is loaded with health-enhancing minerals and vitamin C and has been used medicinally for centuries.

Fun Fact: Red clover is the state flower of Vermont!

How Red Clover Can Benefit Menopausal Women

Fluctuating hormone levels can cause many uncomfortable symptoms for women reaching menopausal age. Maturing women often experience hot flashes, bouts of profuse sweating, insomnia and decreased sex drive. To combat these symptoms, nature made a few natural remedies. One of these remedies is red clover tea.

According to Women for Women, red clover helps relieve the symptoms of menopause by “modulating cellular responses to diminish symptoms of hormonal imbalance.” In other words; it helps regulate your fluctuating hormones naturally and may eliminate your need for hormone replacement therapy.

The secret hormone-balancing ingredient in red clover tea is phytoestrogens. These help relieve hot flashes and night sweats without the side effects of HRT.

Other Health Benefits of Red Clover Tea

Improves Heart Health

In addition to helping menopausal women find relief, a cup of red clover tea can also improve heart health. According to research, red clover helps increase good “HDL” cholesterol and may prevent hardening of the arteries by increasing arterial flexibility. It can also prevent blood clots from forming by naturally thinning the blood.

May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk

As a woman matures, she’s not only at risk for being uncomfortable, she’s also at risk for developing osteoporosis. Bones can become brittle with age and regular doses of calcium, vitamin C and red clover tea can help. The isoflavones in red clover seem to be the secret behind reducing the risk of softening bones. Red clover tea may even boost overall bone density naturally!

Relieves Asthma and Bronchitis

The health benefits of red clover also extend to the upper respiratory system. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties help relieve congestion and its mild expectorant properties help bring up trapped phlegm. Red clover tea also acts as a mild antispasmodic, which can help with bronchitis and whopping cough.

Treats Acne

Whether you’re 14 or 40, mysterious acne is a common problem. You may wash your face twice a day, use only natural make-up and eat right but still can’t stop breaking out. It’s not your fault, it’s your hormones. A cup of red clover tea can help treat acne by rebalancing those hormones and gently detoxifying your liver.

Powerful Antibacterial

Red clover is a powerful antibacterial that may not only help treat and prevent colds and flu but may also treat more serious conditions like chronic yeast and venereal disease.

May Help Relieve Insomnia

Red clover tea may help relieve occasional insomnia because of its mild sedating properties.

Potent Blood Purifier

If you dine on the Standard American Diet, you may have a lot of toxins accumulated in your blood. Over time, these toxins can lead to lasting health problems. A cup or two of red clover tea can help cleanse these toxins from your body before they can harm your health.

Treats Athletes Foot

Because of its strong antibacterial properties, red clover tea is a good natural option for the treatment of athlete’s foot. Brew 2-4 bags of organic red clover tea and steep for 5-10 minutes. Then pour into a tub and soak feet.

In addition to being a powerful anti-fungal remedy, red clover tea can also help clear painful inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

The Best Types of Red Clover Tea

When choosing a tea, your best bet is to go natural, organic if possible. Here is a short list of teas to try:

Alvita Red Clover Tea

This light flavored tea contains only 100% red clover. It’s all-natural and completely caffeine-free.

Neuner’s Red Clover Tea

This British-based tea contains only 100% red clover with no added flavorings or preservatives.

Botanic Choice Red Clover Tea

This herbal tea is also 100% natural with a delicious flavor and pleasant aroma.

Celebration Herbals Red Clover Tea

Teas from Celebration Herbals tend to be completely natural and organic. This red clover tea is no exception.

Red Clover Contraindications

Women (or men) with breast cancer should not use red clover or any other type of remedy containing phytoestrogens. Women currently using birth control pills or hormone replacement therapy should not use red clover.

If you are currently being treated with chemotherapy, do not use red clover or any other natural herbs without first consulting your doctor. Those on medication for diabetes or blood-thinning medications should also avoid using red clover.

For menopausal women, red clover can provide lasting relief. It can also help relieve asthma, treat athlete’s foot and more. So, the next time you feel a hot flash coming on; try a cup of red clover tea. It may be the only menopause remedy you need!

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About Jaime Heidel 63 Articles
Jaime has a passion for natural health that developed around her discovery of her own gluten intolerance a decade ago. Since then, she's been dedicated to helping others find natural ways to heal their mystery symptoms.