General Health

Are Age Spots Affecting Your Appearance?

As we grow older and particularly after the age of 40, we might start to notice age spots. While they are usually considered harmless, age spots can affect our appearance and self esteem. Many will get their dermatologist or doctor to check them out and […]

Nice Feet or Heels
General Health

8 Budget Home Remedies for Cracked Heels

Dryness and even neglect in both summer and winter months can lead to the pain and discomfort of cracked heels. Although this problem is common in females during the summer months when sandals or flip flops are frequently worn, dry and chapped skin in the […]

lemon as cleanser
General Health

Why You Should Never Be Without Lemons In Your Home

What could be easier for the health-on-a-budget conscious than to use lemons with all their different and natural uses. Of course they are friendly to the environment too. For Your Health Always start your day with lemon. A glass of hot water with a slice […]

living healthy on a budget
General Health

Top Ten Tips for Good Health

Of course you can spend considerable amounts of money on ensuring a healthy lifestyle but there really is no need to. Our tips will show you how to optimize good health on a budget at very little cost. Here are our suggestions: 1. Oil Pulling […]

Swollen feet from gout
General Health

How to Treat The Symptoms Of Gout Naturally

You might not realize it but gout is a type of arthritis.  Often regarded as a bit of a joke, gout is nevertheless a painful and uncomfortable condition and the result of too much inflammation in the body. The Problem With Too Much Inflammation Of […]