7 Ways to Cope with the Urge to Overeat During the Stay-At-Home Quarantine

Healthy Breakfast

by Cara Berkeley

Healthy Breakfast

Being stuck at home due to the coronavirus quarantine has some serious pitfalls! Lack of contact with others, boredom, and feeling stir-crazy just to name a few.

I saw a meme recently that said we are going to come out of this either 20 lbs. lighter and our best self, or 20 lbs. heavier and an alcoholic! I vote for the first option!

When you are unable to go out, and enduring strange times and stress, overeating has a tendency to happen. There’s nothing else to do right?

You are out of your routine, and chips, cookies and everything in between might make you temporarily feel better. While it is easier to overeat in circumstances like these, it is probably even more important that you do your best to avoid it.

It will only make things worse, and staying healthy is what everyone needs to focus one right now!  So, to stay on track, try these 7 tips to ovoid overeating during the quarantine.

1. Stay Busy

It always annoyed me when I was a kid and adults would say “You’re not hungry, you’re just bored!”  But, there is some truth to this old adage.

When you are bored, and even unfulfilled, you can tend to reach for the snacks. So, one way to cope with the urge to overeat during the quarantine is to stay active and engaged.

Whether you are reading a book or taking a walk, keeping your mind and body engaged can help prevent eating too much. Not to mention that working out will also help you manage stress and keep you healthier overall.

Plus, there has never been a better time to start a new hobby than now! Or better yet start a hobby that can easily double as a side-hustle and make yourself a little extra cash. There are many creative ways you can stay busy and stay out of the fridge!

2. Eat regular meals

Stick to a schedule, and let your body eat when it needs the fuel, at regular intervals. If you are starving it, or even just going too long without the food and fuel that it needs, then it can cause you to overeat to compensate.

And of course, there is a reason they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Not only does it fuel you for the day, but it gets your metabolism working.

This means that for the rest of the day whenever you eat, your body will burn the calories more efficiently. Sticking to a regular schedule will help you to avoid overeating during the quarantine.

3. Stay hydrated

Your body is actually composed of 60% water. It is crucial and if you aren’t getting enough of it, it can cause you to overeat. Your body will actually send a false hunger signal, just trying to get the water it needs.

But because water is a part of so many of the body’s functions, drinking it throughout the day will yield a ton of benefits. Improved brain function, boosted energy, and skin brightening to name just a few.

4. Manage stress

So, this one is a challenging one. “Managing stress” is one of those hard-to-accomplish tasks.

But it is possible to do. Exercising, breathing techniques, and actively trying to set aside worries are all tactics to help manage your stress.

Stress can damage your health and definitely create the urge to overeat. You may overeat as a way to cope and to try to alleviate your emotional state but it won’t help long-term.

5. Control what you buy at the store

One way to stop overeating before it occurs is by being careful with what you purchase at the grocery store. Don’t buy snacks like chips and cookies, items that lead to overeating.

Stock up on healthy foods so that when you are eating, you are helping yourself and your body out with something positive. Make a list before you go and stick to it! Don’t sucker into that ice cream sale.

Making a list can also help you spend less money on food as well. Stock up on fruits and vegetables, so that when you do reach for a snack, it won’t do any damage.

6. Stay away from sugar and sweets

One of the most detrimental aspects of sugar is that once you have it, your body will want it again. And again. And again. It is extremely addictive. But in addition, sugar can cause you to overeat in general.

Basically, it really messes with your whole system. So as much as you can, avoid the sweets. Reach for fruits instead. Or try something out of the box like this black bean chocolate cake. I know it sounds super gross, but it is actually good and can solve that sweet tooth craving in a healthier way.

7. Keep your diet interesting

Make sure that you are eating healthy food that you actually like. You will be far more likely to stick to a routine, good-for-you diet if it tastes good! There is no reason to not still enjoy eating.

If all you are providing yourself with is broccoli to dip in Ranch dressing that isn’t going to keep you on track. You will be desperate and diving for a bag of cookies before you know it.

With more time on your hands, you can experiement with healthy recipes and cooking. Try this Kale Pizza with Sweet Potato Crustor this Coconut Yogurt with Pineapple and Pomengranateto knock out your sweet tooth!

Whatever you do, make sure you give yourself some variety.

So, while it may be easier than ever to overeat during the quarantine, you can still help yourself avoid it with a few simple tactics so stay strong!

(Cara Berkeley is a blogger, investment property owner, and full-time marketing executive. She has learned that thinking outside the box can make all the difference and want to share my tips and tricks on smart money management. Her blog at www.pennypolly.com  is all about helping you find new ways to save money, make money and have fun doing it!)

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