5 Awesome Workouts for Your Brain

brain exercising

by Erica Silva

brain exercising

Brain is the most important part of a human body, and like our body it ages too. Since all the physicians emphasize on the significance of exercises in order to keep our bodies active, they also focus on brain workouts. Brain exercises not only make our mind straight and spirited, but it also helps in keeping our memories alive even when we age.

If brain cells begin to deteriorate due to lack of healthy activities or exercises, it leads to dementia, a disease in which people lose the ability to think and remember things. This is also the reason why most people are gradually becoming victims of Alzheimer’s disease.

The weather, atmosphere, physical illness – everything that affects our bodies somehow ends up in anguishing our brain too. And unfortunately, very few of us know about these changes. But fret not, as in this article we will be telling you about various easy and unique ways through which you can give the best workout to your brain to make it happier and healthier than ever.

Read on!

Increase Your Vocabulary or Learn a Language

The language portion of your brain can be improved immensely by learning various new words every day. If not a lot, try to learn a new word each day and add it into your daily conversation. This way, you will not only increase your vocabulary but you will also exercise your brain.

Another way to improve your mind is by learning a new language and speaking it other than your native language. It is said that people who are bilingual are said to be more proficient in differentiating between what’s important information and what’s not.

Studies have also proven that bilingual people tend to have great functioning brain than people who only speak their native language. Learning a new language is a way of expanding your knowledge by working up your mental juices.

Yoga for the Rescue

You must have annoyed by now for hearing the word yoga as a solution to your day-to-day problem. The word itself must feel very clichéd to you. But honestly, yoga really holds the answer to end your unsolved agonies. It is a great source to work up your body and make it more flexible, yoga also said to have a huge positive impact on our brain. This is why we hear how competently yoga can de-stress our bodies and minds.

A studied carried out on yoga shows its importance. Researchers asked half of the participants to perform 20 minutes of treadmill, and the other half to do a 20 minutes yoga daily. After testing the language, problem solving techniques, methods, understanding, memory, and decision making abilities of all the participants, the researchers concluded that people who performed yoga had more improved cognitive functions than people who performed the jogging activity.

Play Games or Do Math

No matter how much you hate math, one can never deny the fact that it boosts up a person’s cognitive function. Studies have shown that various parts of our brains are used in various functions of math – for instance, a different part of our brain activates when we accurately calculate, and a totally different part comes into action when we only estimate numbers in our head.

Similarly, games that are tactical and require you to solve puzzles or intricate scenarios actually help in building up your brain cells and making it much stronger.

Chess is also one of the many complex yet entertaining games that only great minds can play – and a great mind can be prepared by learning Chess.

Get a Hang Of New Hobby or Play Music Instrument

Learning new skill will not only help us in our daily lives by putting a positive impression on others but it is also a great way to open up the shaggy parts of our brains and get them into working. Learning how to dance, sing, or other visual arts are one of the few things that get different sides of brains into functioning.

Same goes to learning a new instrument. Learning how to play a particular instrument in your childhood can have a drastically affirmative impact throughout your life. But, even at the age of maturity, learning an instrument can help our brain in so many ways. This is why, musicians are said to have slightly more functioning brain than people who don’t know how to play any instrument.

Break a Sweat and Be All Healthy

Being healthy means doing all the activities that are good for your body and overall hygiene. Eating clean is one of the most imperative parts of being healthy – so is exercising and staying in shape. According to fitness gurus, one of the many ways of keeping our brain spry is by hitting the gym. If you are all sweaty after your workout then you are doing a huge favor to your brain.

But healthy activities do not end here, people who cannot workout but have a keen interest in some outdoor sport are also tend to have healthier mind. Sports increase hand-eye and whole body coordination, which drastically enhances our brain.

At the end of the day, staying healthy by taking full sleep and doing all the innovative activities are the most effective way to get our brain working.

(I am a freelance writer by day and sports fan by night. I write about tech education and health related issues (but not at the same time). Live simply, give generously, watch football and a technology lover. Find me on twitter @ericadsilva1)

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