woman with heartburn
General Health

Top 11 Lifestyle Tips to Combat Acid Reflux

by Amit Kumar Also known as heartburn, acid reflux is a condition that involves your digestive system and not your heart. The burning, discomfort and pain felt in the chest region generated from an acid reflux is due to the faulty coordination between gastric acids […]

Nutrition on a Budget

Tips to Use a Juice Extractor for Better Health

by Ashley Dennis A juice extractor turns your favorite fruits and vegetables into a refreshing beverage. How is this done? You simply insert the foods into the feeding chute of the machine. This process involves squeezing, crushing, or pressing into a drinkable form depending on […]

coconut oil pulling by teenage girl
General Health

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil Pulling

by Leon Phillips Coconut oil pulling is rapidly becoming well known as a greatly beneficial practice to include in everyday routine. There is a huge list of conditions and ailments it has been known to cure and prevent. Although there isn’t much scientific evidence around […]