General Health

Is Sushi Actually Good For You?

by Thomas Johnson Over recent years, the Japanese fast food, sushi, has become so popular in the west that outlets serving up this versatile foodstuff seem almost omnipresent on our bustling high streets. However, although a lunchtime favourite, the health conscious among are still keen […]

General Health

Common Health Conditions Seniors Won’t Admit To

As your loved ones begin to age, they will inevitably face certain health problems they might not be comfortable admitting to. It’s not easy for anyone facing their golden years to concede the loss of some of the faculties they’ve taken for granted all their […]

General Health

Seniors – How to Stay Independent in Your Own Home

As you enter your golden years, aches, pains, and injuries can make navigating your familiar home more difficult. You and your loved ones may have discussed the benefits of moving into an assisted living facility or a ground-floor apartment but you’d prefer to age in […]

woman with heartburn
General Health

Top 11 Lifestyle Tips to Combat Acid Reflux

by Amit Kumar Also known as heartburn, acid reflux is a condition that involves your digestive system and not your heart. The burning, discomfort and pain felt in the chest region generated from an acid reflux is due to the faulty coordination between gastric acids […]

Nutrition on a Budget

Tips to Use a Juice Extractor for Better Health

by Ashley Dennis A juice extractor turns your favorite fruits and vegetables into a refreshing beverage. How is this done? You simply insert the foods into the feeding chute of the machine. This process involves squeezing, crushing, or pressing into a drinkable form depending on […]